DaeutDamocles - Redressing the Broken Pledge (Aphros v Dawnstone)
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Days had passed since the travesty of Vera Cruz.

The people of Aphros were only beginning to pick up the pieces from the broken rubble and ashes of their despoiled home. Casualties in the hundreds to thousands as its hallowed district billowed in smoke for the week to come.

A victory against the Imperfect saw the demonic masses remained routed and scattered back to their home, made rudderless by the loss of their beloved Archon. Yet such a triumph rang hollow as the Crusading forces lost three invaluable integrants of its spearhead, hardly given time to mourn in the aftermath. On that day, both sides suffered a calamitous cost.

The war was not yet over.

In light of new information and developments, those of the Bastion, Aegis, and Goldlight company set off to march in a different direction: to the West. 

Seizing the window of opportunity granted by the Archon's demise, as its demonic legions scrambled for new leadership, a blitz of soldiers began to congregate outside of Dawnstone's border. And in this rapid initiative, did the Oracle of Athelios issue her ultimatum. A decree laced with rage and zeal that boomed in the mind of Ludmaz Dawnseeker and his ilk.

So it has come to this.

During the Summit, we made it clear that neutrality in the face of our most imminent and existential threat would not be tolerated by those that agreed to our Indefinite Crusade. Your objections did not go without notice, pitiful and selfish as they were. Your official position to withdraw Dawnstone's support from this Meranthian Crusade has thusly sealed my declaration.

You bemoan your losses as though you are owed a greater share of grief, pity, and sympathy than any other. And then you place their deaths on my shoulders. It is pathetic.

The Frontier lost Kava. Fortune lost its Sovereign and its Commander. The Enclave lost everything. They all did so knowing their sacrifices were for a greater cause than themselves, and not once have they whinged and complained as your entitled kin have.

Those who are not willing to risk or sacrifice for the future and safety of Meranthe will have no place in it.

Your sad little insistence on neutrality would see us all killed. You would allow the shadows to consume Meranthe whole before they reached your gates. At which point, you would likely embrace and accept them with open arms like the craven worm that you are.

Though I suppose your people haven't been properly apprised of your reverence and worship of a Void entity consuming the stars, or your inordinate tolerance of witches as you continue to cooperate and play nice with Sheol behind the curtains. There is nothing you can hide from us. There is nothing you can do.

You are no King.

Stand down from your position, or you will be removed perforce.

To those that can hearken my voice, turn your swords where they belong: against the complacent enemies of Humanity. Against the wretches that would rather sit idly than die fighting.

The choice is yours.

Objective: Depose the Dawnseeker King and install a Crusade-compliant regime under Tristinia Djulkorren.
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Such a common occurrence within Meranthe, with the unending crusade's declaration only seeming to heighten its presence.
And now, once more Kingdoms were harkened to clash.

A declaration made by Athelios' chosen, met with stern words from Adversity's Flame, for a King turned against the very ideals of life.
Though, from her? It was just another declaration, for battles to come.
A battle no doubt revelled in, by one so driven by conflict and strife.

Quote:Ludmaz Dawnseeker,
Young King of Dawnstone.

You, and all who chose to undertake this crusade were given express notion on what would come, should you elect to abandon it.
Complacency is Compliance, and it seems you've been a little more compliant than most, hm?

People of Dawnstone. Those among you who have been deceived by your King,
I, Caterina Zafana, Captain of the Goldlight Order, Will of Grimjhall, Adversity's Flame, urge you:

Abandon him.
Rise, against the tyranny of one touched by forces that wish only your destruction and consumption.
Join us, revel in glorious crusade.

A King is one who holds power absolute over their domain, a stalwart leader, a man charged with the task of embodying all that a nation stands for. And it seems to me, the only power your little King holds, is that borrowed from something that should not be.
Arise, Sons of Man.
Cast out that which plagues your land.

An official declaration made by Goldlight's Captain of War.
A plea to those who still held mankind's freedom and right to fight for their own beliefs to rise up against another oppressor powered by the otherworldly.
No longer, would Meranthe stand for this blight, this plague against the world.
Be it Fel, or Voidic.

Quote:Glorious battle awaits us all.
And with it, honorable death.
Will you die on your feet,
Or live on your knees?

The Goldlight Order Joins the Fight.
Objective: Fulfil Contractual Obligation.
Depose the Voidic King.
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Quote:"A little more time was expected before this kind of thing happened, but how can I blame the desperate.. Mainly when such is leaded by an Oracle who considers herself more than she really is..
Who speaks as if she knew about everything that happens in the world.
At least, this all can prove to be quite amusing! And allow me to take more for myself."
Given the the movement of armies towards the edges of their kingdom, the Scaleguard and Kingsguard acted under the command of their King, who was seen more present organizing everyone to act and defend the territory of the dragons..
Who now, stood firm to defend their home.. Against any who dared to oppose their King.
Yet.. At that day, the feeling of being watched, observed by something that could not be seen, was remarkable. As dissonant whispers filled the minds of the weakest. As shadows danced under the gaze of something beyond the understanding of the mundane.
And This Thing, It Beckoned The Enemy Forward.
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"Well then. Since this is to happen, at least let me tell you all something.

My insistence on neutrality was to protect my own people. Because I knew very well where Aphros' priorities and that of the coalition formed by you, were from the start, Oracle. In defending your home, defending your people and their interests.. While you were ready to sacrifice the other kingdoms to ensure this.
Something more than proven when you tried to save a man who was already dead, instead of someone who could still be saved. Just because that one was but a obedient lap dog for you.
And mine acceptance of participating in this Crusade was nothing more than an act done due to the position, the power held by your state. Something that is now slowly withering away and forcing you all to act through despair to have more space to retreat if necessary.
But, this was expected.
For I was prepared for this moment, as different from others.. I was watching the actions of those around me, such as yours of sparing the insane zealots of the desert.. Just to strengthen your own army. To make sure that others would bow to you. Yet things changed and, I will no longer lower my head. I will not allow you to act as you please. Nor will I allow you to take what is MINE.
For I am Ludmaz Dawnseeker, Son of Sredras Dawnseeker, Grandson Of Orphee Dawnseeker.
King of Dawnstone, Lord of the Dragons.
And under my will, I will take everything from you, of your kind, your people and your home, Oracle of Duality.. For it is time for the dragons to subjugate this world.. For me to take what should be mine."
The Dawnseeker family's dragon could be flying over their territory. Upon its back, the Voidic King in his grandeur, prepared for what came next, prepared to deal with the petulence of those who dared challenge his authority. And make sure, they understand who is the Lord of this Lands.
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Objective: Defend the Kingdom, Defend the King..
And Subjugate the Enemy.
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Had it truly been days? Felt like thousands of years since the undisputed victory of Vera Cruz.

Scattered back? Rudderless? Scrambling for new leadership? Who? Where? How?
Skarnfel has been many things, but never once has it lacked direction as long as a Lord drew breath. Spies scattered across Meranthe and scouts reporting in the same information, the precious prey and resources were starting to make strides. Rather than some jumbled mess, it would appear that the shadows performed far greater than humanity might every be competent enough to imagine. They were no hopeless band of brainless creatures stifled and motionless, rather with a congratulatory and victorious tone after having made a vast dent into the Aphrosian populace it would seem momentum was not stalled.
In the stead of stagnation at the death of an Imperfect came a tremendous gift. Armies of corpses freshly raised starting to move in tandem with a sea of shadows following the steps west, though an army which does not sleep can easily surpass mortals. From within the Necropolis of Skarnfel were Riftmancers converging, spies littered from the Port to Aphros might report that large military units were being transported in bulk... somewhere? They didn't get specifics because the spies were obviously known.
"Humanity pretends to understand.
You are quite fortunate that I have been keeping these eyes laced over you ever since we had our little talks, a shame it would be in the event that I ceased to exist or stalled out of this world. They often forget I even exist, or perhaps it is just the fact that they do not wish to believe in me. That hope, that prayer never getting answered as even Pylae failed to become the salvation of their most dedicated.
Rather than allowing the insufferable march of the hypocrites squander what has been sown, it is time they understand the gravity of change that is seeping through the world. How the countless will not conform to the desired threads of eternity, rather splitting ends and converging new timelines that alter the dreams of all daring to pretend. For we are no headless snake squandered by our ambitions, we are legion. We are eternal. We march for my students dream."
Signs pointed to Skarnfel involving themselves against this crusade, coming to the defense of their allies. Their secret deals in the dark finally opening up a bright and terrifying picture that this world has been shifted properly.
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"I have seen three Imperfects fall.
You never manage to kill me.
This is the era you will stop forgetting.
I will force you to see reality."
Objective: Defend Dawnstone; Let the blood of Hypocrites bath the land.
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Though not directly the leader of any armed force, one voice does ring out amongst the gathered forces aiming to siege Dawnstone. Amidst the flames rained upon the forces by the dragon, one fire magi manipulates the flames to better shield the soldiers. And in times of darkness does she conjure up her own flames in a glorious firestorm, launched above the army in a symbol of hope and rebirth.

The symbol of the Phoenix.
"Friends, countrymen. Long have I walked among you, fought among you, bled among you. I have long fought the Fel at every turn, everywhere it has been found. I do not desire a senseless war. I do not wish the blood of innocents on my hands. So it was that when at first, my desires seemed merely to be at odds with Ludmaz Dawnseeker, I sought to leave his lands. It was only when his connection to the Fel was revealed to me that I accepted this burden. That I accepted the role I am to play once we defeat the corruption that has taken heart in this land.

The survivors of the tragedy of New Dexia sought refuge in Dawnstone to escape the ravages of Witchcraft. Ludmaz's own father knew the price of such attachment to Hel, and took action in the past. One need only look and see the forces of the Fel marching to aid Dawnstone to realize the truth of our current situation, however! The king is not merely obsessed with the dangers of the Void... He is an active ally of what threatens our land!

A leader's people are not a possession. They are not a treasure to be added to a hoard.

I am Tristinia Djulkorren, the Phoenix's Disciple. I am a servant of Ualdir, and the Pantheon. And from the ashes of this conflict will Dawnstone be reborn, purified.

Astride no dragon, or phoenix, walking amongst the troops, is the would-be Queen. She whom the war would install as a leader of the land, if the Crusade was successful.
Tristinia Djulkorren makes her speech, her claim, and her accusation all in one. With a borrowed army, looking towards her long held home as an invader for once.

Objective: Excise the Fel, in the name of the Pantheon
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The Demon Lord of fel Garden awakens from their mourning only to find the world aflame
in the chaos of war and destruction once more,
There was of course no rest for the wicked,
the Phantom Nethrademon could sense the demise of many great enemies once more,
written within the cosmos as Death awakens even more firmly within their being.
The Nightmare of Death and Despair continued.
The Phantom Knights of fel Garden begin to haunt the battlefields near Dawnstone,
While once they would move to raze it now they seem willing to protect it.
Specters and Demons of all shapes and sizes move attuned to the mind of the Nightmare Phantom.
It seemed wherever there was the most vital source of Death and Decay the Spectres would be there
to devour all the hopes and dreams of humanity.
To once more spew out the Despair they have always represented.

"In truth I find all you mortals grotesque.
How you cling to life in desperation.
How you attack one another like rabid animals to chew upon their rotting carcass
If it means you would survive you would do anything.

We are the same, aren't we?
Except you deny that about yourselves
what it truly means to be born of Darkness
Even when you Defile yourselves further into the Depths of the Void
there is only so far you can go before the world and your gods turn on you.

My Nightmares have only grown more frequent,
Your worst fears come to life
You believe yourselves to be anointed in the  Light in hopes it will exalt you.
However the truth? You are nothing more than specs in the cosmic flow.

I am beyond Death,
and With my fated Rival Palade's Death
 the stars have ordained that I must ascend further.

I will become the next Demon King.
with the Deaths of your masses I will ascend even further.

The Imperfect Nightmare exists because humanities fears.

I will relish in your demise.

The Era of Darkness will change all.

Even those once believed as enemies.
Are now spun in the entropy of their worst nightmares coming to life.

Don't you see?
The Nightmare never ends."

Atop Mourngrave Castle was there a Black flame pyre burned in the name of the fallen Demon King Na'Ria.
Yet there were no tears shed by the Nethrademon.
Greif was not a word that registered in the Demons mind
With a seat of power opened, there was a chance, and opportunity to become greater.
There was never a better time than now.
To put more of their enemies to the Death.
fel Gardens forces follow Skarnfel into battle as expected.

Objective: Defend Dawnstone?

True Objective: Exploit the War to become Imperfect
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Late that afternoon steps ran through Dawnstone, a collar fell over the sand, the desert was crossed and between pain and regret, the Second Princess found herself alive. Founding shelter bellow a golden shield. Her voice, hours after, marks her presence, her knowledge. And the fact that after a few previous months.

Dawnstone Lost her.
"Brother. To Dawnstone I swore my Loyalty. And to you, my respect. Hurts me to break one of those promises, but My kingdom does not deserve a king like you, one who taints the land, who hurts its family, who lies and deceives. 
I was wrong. Each day I supported your kingdom, you, hoping that everything would be fine, was a mistake. Each day I trusted you were doing the right thing, that you were... Under control.

I regret it.

Hurts me to say that. Hurts me to think that Dawnstone is not home anymore, for me, for our brothers and sisters, and it's another place that our parents should leave. But this is nothing but the truth. The king lost his mind, as was dragging his people with him. The king shall fall now.
Now for you, Zeref. You are a shame for our entire kin if you stand with them if what I witnessed is true if you truly agree with it... Then I wish nothing but your fall.
... And you, Shui, who was just as lost as me, leave Dawnstone, do not fight for them, Cousin, you know what is right, all these years we fought together, we trained each other, you too, are my family. So please, don't do that, stand away, do not defend the ideals of a Crazy King... Things will not be fine. The price of the victory is not worth it. That's not the path of the Dragon... This will only lead to destruction, a hoard that will be nothing but smoke and ashes.

And to my siblings. Brothers, Sisters. Leave Dawnstone, and find a safe place.
If ever come to my ears that you, Ludmaz, did to them the same you were doing to my mind. There is not a thing in this world that will stop me from growing, and not a stone over the earth that will remain in place until I get you, and all my weapons would be pointed towards you, being you within Dawnstone or not.

As I may still be Arnet Dawnseeker. But from now on I stand for myself. No longer your sister, no longer your ally.

And you, Ludmaz, are nothing but a fool."

The once Princess stood away from Dawnstone, wherever she would be, it was clear her decision. Dawnstone wasn't home for anyone now, and you who stood with them were just dooming yourself.
Saturday - October 14 - 6PM EST
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