RadioHeadAPHROS: Order of the Silver Chalice
[Image: Order_Chalice.png?ex=65496cd6&is=6536f7d...7881f8752&]

2086 AC

An old faith has slowly returned its way into the very heart of Aphros. Many believed that the Order had been forgotten, and perhaps it was for a time, with the winds of time forever grating upon the ways of old- new life is to be brought back into the fray of it all. Thus decreed is the Order returned to its rightful place within the lands of Meranthe in the very heart of Aphros does the new Order sing its praise.

For those who take its oath, shall forever serve Athelios a new.

Patron: Athelios

This small order of witch hunters has religious roots drawing back to Athelios and is a fundamentally faith-driven organization. With members spanning up to two dozen, each witch hunter took upon a moniker and vow to hunt down the servants of the Dark Lord. It is said that most of their ranks perished in the Desolation of Lira Moore, unable to prevent the cataclysm from occurring. The most notable circumstance around this group is their potential continued survival into the modern era, with the occasional reports of activity or training of new witch hunters, either into their own ranks or to walk through Meranthe in times of crisis.

The Sworn Oath

My life, to the hands of the great gatekeeper.

My sword, forever pledged to banish fel flame.

I shall see through the trickery of the Dark Lords servants.

My eyes will be blind,
My ears will be deaf,

My hands will be clean,
My heart will be ice.

From my tongue, no lie to my brothers may I ever speak.

From my hands, no innocent life will I ever claim.

I vow to serve, now and forever, beneath the masks of secrecy and contempt.

With my brothers and sisters in arms, the Silver Chalice,

In service of Athelios,

And all Meranthe.

  • Upon induction, drink from an empty silver chalice. If the member is worthy, then they will taste the brackish, stale water of Helheim in their mouth; they must spit it out onto the floor and have their tongue branded with the seal of Athelios to inherit his trust.

  • The Frozen Hour is a wide-spanning ritual used to detect witches caught within it in a large radius. Lost to time. ...For now.

  • Members of the Silver Chalice oft worked in pairs, binding each other with magical pacts so that they could interfere if one suspected the other of being put beneath a hex.

Those who wish to join the Order may contact Lyco Corbin.

Ad Astra Per Aspera.
[Image: Order_Chalice_2.png]

The Order Remains.

The Order Grows.

Submit to the will of Athelios.

Judgment is nigh.
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