Friendliest[Insert Spell] Pow
One thing that would be a very cool addition to the game, is to give the ability for gear to give %pow to specific spells.

As an example, Sword given 10 Fatal Strike Pow would make Fatal strike do 10% more damage.

It would enable players that have specific spells that resonate with their characters to have an even more unique feeling. 

It would be balanced by admins via applications of course, I predict that the highest anyone could achieve realistically would be 20 spell pow. 

Some sort of system to allow a character to have a *signature* spell in a sense.
Huh, thought I commented on this already, but yeah! I actually think this a really neat idea with a lot of potential behind it; those little added splices of flare really make ICs tick and make each character feel like a more unique entity. Something new to aspire to!

Ofc, people will likely seek to bolster their most potent spells, but in reality I think this can incorporate a lot of fine-tuning uniqueness and opportunities for dev for us dev hounds out there!

The only real issue I see is that to have something like this, an approval system would likely need to be put into place given how intricate and specific it would be. And, of course... People already feel the strains of waiting and being crunched for dev time as is.

►Perhaps a lesser kind of system implemented to be able to have players afford a more 'generic' version? Kind of like how glyphs work. An artificer-based buff that requires some kind of resource expenditure and in exchange you get a minor buff to the selected spell in particular? Maybe as well like a scroll that is a useable item? Just brainstorming here.

♪ Of course, me in particular I prefer the dev route and particulars of personalization! ♫ But, ik it's already tuff out there.
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