Nubius MaximusSpooky, Scary (But very dapper!) Skeleton!
[Image: the_skeleton_butler_by_seal_of_metatron_...l5xWVzv7Oc]
Inside a dimly lit room, deep within the Maw, a depraved, immoral ritual is performed, one that perverts the natural cycle of life and death.

None of that matters anymore, for you awaken without any memory of your previous life, save for a name and a purpose; to serve. Your young master, his family, his friends - whomever he decides!

And (un)fortunately for you, he was very literal when he decided to raise you.

Who are you?

You are very clearly a skeleton, and as such, very much undead. Also, you're your master's very first undead!!!

You are a butler! 

While you are free to choose your own name, your master will most likely call you Alfred regardless.

Your master is both an artificer and an alchemist, so you will not be hurting for potions or gear. 

What is expected of you?

Gather undeath for your master, as basically every other undead!

Some activity. You don't need to be super active, but I'd very much like it if you could play it semi regularly at least.

Loyalty to your master. He's very big on that, as he is also very loyal to his own master!

You will gently be pushed towards mastering cooking. Of course, you're free to follow whatever lifetrade that you want, or even artificing/alchemy if you want to!

[Those interested can contact on at discord: wejimus]

Still looking for a butler!!!
Another slot has happened up, if anyone is interested in being the SECOND skeleton butler!

Your name will be Archibald.
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