mat13295Bedside manner
A woman of red paces from within a simple tent. A tent filled with medical instruments laid upon a table on one end, a medical cot on the other and a workshop in a corner. And eventually, they come to face a mirror in another corner. They pace in circles in front of it, muttering to herself ina hushed voice.
"...It's just /talking/ you'll...Be fine. Just look in the mirror and practise...You're a doctor. Talking to people is...Part of that." They reassure their panicky self before heaving their shoulders and letting out a harsh sigh. "Just...Smile. Stare at the eyes...And speak. It's not hard. Everyone else can do it. Why are you so-" The Doctor shakes her head as she walks closer. She closes her eyes before taking in a deep breathe.
Their eyes open, staring forth into the nervous reflection staring back at them. Their lips struggle to lift up into a very strained smile as blue eyes fearfully stare into the eyes starign back at them. "H-Hi-Hi. I-I'll B-Be your D-Do..." She stops, her shoulders slouch as she looks away. "No, that's not it...!" She lets out an exasperated sigh of annoyance. "...Again."
The tense smile is worn once again, eyes locking. And a stammering voice catches within her throat once again. The smile widens as they attempt once more to speak. "H-Hello-...Nff..." She stops as she walks away from the mirror. "Why is it-...Winter. Muscles contract more to preserve lost heat in the cold- That...Must be why my smile...Is wrong-right?"
A lie told in half. Indeed, muscles could be stiff during the colder months, especially when living in the wilds.
"T...That has to be it. Just...K-Keep working on it...Mum lied a lot...She had to be lying about you being broken too..."
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