ArtoriasThe Fallen Legacy
The Fallen Legacy

Your Father is

Seryn Fall

A man determined to live by his own code, only ever fighting in self-defense
A scholarly Soldier seeking to heal the world entirely

[Image: qfXdLMR.jpg]

Magic - Water, Ice, Mist, Wellspring

Your father stood tall, he stood strong, his convictions were nigh unbreakable. When the world tried to change him, he weathered the storm until it had passed. He sought to record all the histories of the world, to uncover lost truths of the Vdalion empire and to aid his best friend, Bartholomew Wilkins. You had no contact with your father. Your mother left you at a Monastery at a young age, so that you would be raised properly. Her name a forgotten memory to you. The only thing you were left with, was your last name.

You feel a strong inclination towards faith, a love for the lifestream, but as much as that feeling is strong, destiny lays within your hands. As a member of the Fall family, you will always choose your own path in life.

You find yourself traveling after word reaches your ears, Grimhjall Abbey your destination. Within it you seek a man, your god father, Bartholomew Wilkins, a priest of Ymir/Amier.

[Image: 3of2jLL.png]

Details for you, the player.

-Are able to spawn in now, at age 12.
-There are two of you, a brother and sister, non-identical twins
-Your hair color, eye color and other features are free for you to choose
-You can either be an Ookami or a Giant
-You may choose your first name
-You may choose whatever magic you wish
-You will be taken care of by Bartholomew Wilkins at the Grimhjall Abbey

Message WyldSmile on discord if interested, enjoy the fall.
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