FlufypumaFinding the Herd
[Image: 8a80f50ff74d8dbe2beb21ec53a262e7.jpg]

Attendees: Aud Thorruhn. Three to four companions from the Citadel.
Risk: CoD
Reward: Battle Mammoths. Old Giant Relics? ( IC mechanic of being able to ride Mammoths into battle for the Citadel/Around the Map.) TBD?
Theme: A serious rescue mission to find the missing Mammoth Herd and save them from extinction. Serious, old giant village/ruins?
DM: Currently searching. If you are interested please DM: oftheoldblood on discord.
Still looking for a DM to run this event.
Still looking for a DM. Please DM me if you're interested!
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