Did I do that?My father's shadow
[Image: astra_1-fotor-202401219817.jpg?ex=65bf9a...height=420]
Isn't this what I wanted... 
To grow.
You taught me to be kind...
Yet, the world has shown me different.
Engulfed in negativity.
You taught me to be strong...
Yet, I was weak when it mattered most.
Fear crawled up my spine.
You taught me to love...
Yet, now I stand alone.
Now I come asking you father...
To which do I beg forgiveness?
For what I am, or what I am not?
For what I will become...
Or what I have became.

May you continue to watch over me, may the night be a long one.
Love, your son...
Astra Okabe
[Image: astra_2-fotor-202401219959.jpg?ex=65bf9a...ormat=webp]
[Image: dejtics-951d1d1b-fc4b-485f-864f-c42bada6...nxvOhEsXt8]
I'm paradoxical...
Despite my desire to be happy,
I often dwell on thoughts that are adverse.
I don't like myself, 
but I enjoy the person I'm becoming.
Although I claim to be unconcerned, 
I actually care too much.
I have a strong need for attention,
yet I reject anything that comes my way.
I have protected,
 but at the cost of my own blood.
Although I have recovered,
 I have damaged my heart in the process.
I enjoy listening,
but avoid discussing my inner turmoil.
I have been waging a war.
I'm drenched in agony and sadness.
The irony of it all: am I really angry?
I'm attempting to cultivate happiness,
but that in itself is a war.

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