Zhonya's HourglassJourney to the West
[Image: Apz7LXM.png]

"From lands where myths reside,
Where cherry blossoms and beauty entwine,
xists peace, and life that is truly sublime.

... yet even peace could not escape the passage of time."

In the wake of a renewed conflict among the Isle of Shuri, few would survive the supernatural events, amassing casualties in the hundreds by day. Your village had soon became target, however, you were fortunate enough to be spared an unpleasant fate. You were rescued by the Nakano prior to the events of Shuri Castle, taken to Xuefeng to serve. Accustoming to a new continent, a new home and new rules was difficult, yet the Nakano had made the transition seamless. Under their wing, you were trained as:

Shinobi, Samurai, and Shamans; A wide variety of oriental arts.

The past would not be forgotten, but your previous life had now mattered little for the time being. What mattered now was who you strived to become, and what you would do in the coming futures.

What will you seek?

Strength to avenge your fallen brethren at Shuri? A fresh slate in this strange, new world? Or perhaps greatness, to have your family name etched into the annals of history, and rise to nobility. Whatever the case-

The rest is up to you.

[Image: wngLYhl.png]

- tldr; You are migrants from Sheng that lived on the Isle of Shuri before it befell a catastrophe, and were taken to Meranthe.

- Begin from ages 11-16.

- You have plenty of avenues to pursue, but try not to stray off the line!

- Preferably three slots, but not limited to three.

- This role is for mains!! You are loyal to Xuefeng's cause, but are encouraged to explore Meranthe. Doing so may help in your practice as a sorcerer, and perhaps reward you with projects focused for you.

- To apply and ask questions for the IC or OOC implications, message me at khakari_ on discord.
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