
Life's not been as simple as I wanted to believe, but then again, as an Equisol? My life was never simple.
Parents never in the picture.

Siblings got other things to worry about.

I got my own thing to worry about.

... yet, lately, I find myself yearning for them more.

[Image: bio2.png?ex=65e5edc4&is=65d378c4&hm=311a...e2a6dec48&]

I can't..



relate to them at all.


I want to.

I love them.

[Image: be2b38b5975f6e4521358aedcda3fc5a.jpg]
They're my flesh and blood.

But I don't care.

Whatever he did to me, made me that way.

I'm not dead.

[Image: efe403a7a5272500116bf51862c06cba.png?ex=...a5c7e7227&]

But am I?

Am I still alive?

... it doesn't feel like it.

it doesn't feel like anything.

It's all gray.

I thought this would be true control, but...

I am losing.

Everything I care about.
Maybe that's for the best..
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