GoldQoL Spell changes
Explosion Tree
1. Inferno could use a size increase, maybe a faster tick on tile damage. It’s a poor spell, people only go explosion for Bang.
2.Theres one daemon fire move that shoots waves out from four directions, that would look nice on explosion.

Magma Tree
1. Magma Grasp

Wind Tree
1. Currently only has tornadoes as an ingame intermediate, howl of the banshee could be put in..? (Unless it’s something that’s app only, don’t see why it should waste away.)

1. Feral Swipe, Dragon Claw. Both of these should use strikes hit box code with the range and stepcast since a few have gotten looked at, it’d probably get more use from that change.

Time Tree
1. This tree is solid, but those time orbs from spires should make an appearance, they. Just feel good to use..
2. Chronos aura still doesn’t have an icon

Water Tree
1. The bubble blast move doesn’t seem to be working right at all. That one daemon move with the wave of bubbles comes to mind when I see it. (Basically right now it’s the same move in the tree twice.)

Ice Tree
1. Ice Stun as an intermediate

1. Decisive Strike should make a comeback as an intermediate.

1. The styles are in a good place, but they should all change the users damage to the respective element just so they aren’t overshadowed in the long run when they realize their elepow is only for their spells and not their techniques like armed currently has.
2. Give them a version of double slash that uses strike animation for 5 rpp.

This is just some old stuff, since I see the Changelogs getting used I figured I’d throw this out there again. I’ve left out a few trees that could use some tweaks but I don’t recall, add them if you want.

quick take on my opinion

1. Jab could be changed to lunge. give it dash strike animation and give it longer range to put the two on par and give it the same spell damage/cost. ive see enough cheese with it to know its not healthy. it gets shit on by slows and isn't fun for the user of jab, it also becomes instant when you have a speed boost which armed doesn't have. Teleporting then exploiting the speed makes beams impossible to miss. enough goku memes

1. heavy slash should definitely make a comeback. pretty sure this is the same as decisive strike. adds more filler and different options for armed users to invest towards intermediates.
2. phantom could be changed to intermediate now that theyre only required to have 50 rpp and given back 1 more hit based on agility, but overall damage staying the same or increased by just 1
3. change styles to 10 rpp and changed to intermediates. prevents people from dipping in for a free style, Q effect and stat boost. quite easy to obtain if truly investing in armed.

this tree is quite lacking imo, a buff or an addition to public spells in the tome might enhance its use.

These costs are insane. there could be some other spells added with less amounts of rpp to choose from so you don't go spending 95 rpp for whats available. as it stands, both trees only have 4 spells and both come out to 95 rpp

haven't seen their melee spells used much at all, strike coding on them would be better just to land them.

1. crystal walls afaik don't have an initial tick and require you to be standing in it after the initial animation for 2 seconds before it does anything to an opponents. looks cool, doesn't do anything, so no one uses it.
1. The styles are in a good place, but they should all change the users damage to the respective element just so they aren’t overshadowed in the long run when they realize their elepow is only for their spells and not their techniques like armed currently has.

This would be amazing. Yes.
Plasma Tree
1. Either lower the mcap sacrifice or buff the AP on the aura. It was -20 because it was 15% AP before going public which is understandable, as it currently stands its benefit does not counteract that self nerf. Riptide aura has a warranted self nerf because it’s so good, plasma not as much. (-20 mcap in E3 is big.)

Explosion Tree
1. Back here again, what if there was a change for inferno and it used fall of gravity’s animation with fire tiles? The user can sparkle before it goes off.

Riptide Tree
1. Currently this tree is almost in explosions tier, lacking spells that bring use. Despairing tendril should be an aoe with a greater range around the user. 5x5 would be really nice to see, it’s the most underused whip in the game at the moment.
2.RoM isn’t good, it needs a buff.
3. Add typhoon to this tree please.
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