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To belong.
[Image: 806c2098b1ae5c56a0e816100090eedb.png]

Some are born into greatness, some have to carve the path to such...

Throughout many years would the one known as Astrid traverse the land of Meranthe. Appearing here a little, there a little. Sometimes present in one place for many nights, then another for but a few. Forever feeling as though she'd not belonged in one place for too long, a conclusion had been found. There was no substitution for home. Upon such realization, she'd returned to such. Opting to leave behind whatever life she'd made elsewhere, what she'd needed the most was nothing more than her family.
A new path had been chosen.
A gathering in the grimjhall abbey would stir some about, coming forth to see the induction of Astrid by blood into the Thorruhn family. Now bound by such to upkeep the name and carry it's legacy on. A mantle passed...Bartholomew wilkins to oversee such a ritual of blood. This choice would be one to alter the life of the young god-kin forever. There was no turning back and there was no hiding from the destiny that'd found her.
To act as the shield of Meranthe.
She'd now been chosen.
"I am honored to have received this title...I am honored to be a part of those that have welcomed me with opened arms from the very beginning, those that have caused me to cease this feeling of unending unbelonging.

I am Astrid Thorruhn and I will see the Oath of the Thorruhn upheld at any cost."

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