MetriceApplication Stagnation 2
Hello Eternians, I've come with a similar issue. Feels like deja vu; what is happening is likely not just my own issue, but something shared between multiple crafting accounts. I've just returned from a two week break. While in this break, I bumped a dev post twice. Using my usual method of one bump per week, it's been a month. Actually: over a month now. The last time I bumped was a month. In three days it'll be a month and a week when I bump it again.

I understand that the staff is busy, I get it. Ya'll are doing a big arc with the tower, trying to add in new features and new races. It's all really cool to see, and will likely inspire new players. That said, for players like me that are forgotten within these changes: it makes thins difficult. I'll be honest, knowing that a Dev Mat application has been sitting for over a month is a hard pill to swallow. I've got a lot going on in my life outside of this game. Stuff that takes up a lot of my time. I run a rental business with my AirBnB, among multiple upkeep projects needed to facilitate the property. This, coupled with a potential lawsuit which is entirely frivolous conjured up from an ex worker who stole thousands of dollars of equipment.

That is more of a personal issue, I get that. But, with all this going on, and knowing that even a Dev Mat will wait a month before it's approved? Is not very comforting. Again, I appreciate all the work going into this game. But, I find it hard to be a crafting motivated character when crafts are always ignored. I hope everyone reading this has a good day. Thank you for your time. And, I really hope this could make a change for the better.

Perhaps a new method of checking applications is in order? Maybe a way to cycle back faster, or a date based system? Or perhaps things should be less scrutinized. I don't know the answer, but I don't think things can continue as they are.

Here is a link to the current application's bumps:
Looks like the item you're linking was lost in the mix (as your more recent ones were responded to). I'll take a look.
I was sort of informed that item apps have been taking a while lately. I don't like complaining about these things at all, because I know these people have lives and it feels bad to whine about it. However, a lot of the time, some neat IC gets attached to items and things, so if it takes this long it doesn't feel great!

I think maybe since item apps can take longer to read through and kind of take in, maybe there should be more people to look at them! A lot of higher-dev items can have up to 10 logs or more, I can't expect the same 4-5 people (idk how many admins there are) to read through them like zombies. That sounds soul-destroying.
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