icedstormThe Locals Calling
The vast expanses of the desert stretches far and wide, and yet, word about a rumored temple was starting to emerge from the locals. They were telling stories of a tomb, once buried by a mile of sand. Some say it's a tomb rumored to belong to a sand spirit, some say a massive demon that will drink all of their water lives in it. Some say a destroyer of worlds lives there! Nobody is quite sure. 

But, it has to be something. The locals reported seeing strange figures, sometimes they were four-legged creatures, but other times it could be figures masked in black adornments. It was told that they would meet near the highest point of the moon, when the clock strikes midnight. What could possibly be in there? 

Wisteria is calling upon a group to set out an expedition towards seeing what was truly inside of it.

[Image: Al-Dayr-Petra-Jordan.jpg]

Risk: Low, to medium Chance of Death. We're getting serious here. 

Participants: Western Alliance PCs, Wisteria, Dunsman Snalovah. Five maximum.

DM: Found!

Reward: Insight to what could be inside, and the materials the.. 'people' were looking for. Temple treasure.

Theme: Mystery, adventure, darkness, puzzles, arcane, ancient

Contact me on discord, username is snowery. 
[Image: kaliadorcha.png] 
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