ValroseEmpireThe First Beast
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No doubt would there be in the minds of men, there was one about the shadows that'd plagued the land. The Envoy from Atrellya had proven their strength time and time again, culling more than they'd lost. Heads placed upon Pikes would prove as warning. Gathered mainly by one that appeared to stand as a man and unlike a beast. One that was mischievous and cunning. One that held great power, that many men faint of heart would falter against. 

The First beast to rise, remained. When provoked to wrath, calamity could be heard even in the distance of those towns that would consider themselves fully fledged.  Amongst the land that'd once perhaps been beautiful would blood be spilled, accompanied by ash and flame.

Ingolf, Bringing about such traumatic events in order to prepare themselves for something seemingly. A path of conquest chosen, connections forged through the shadows. Their influence now beginning to reach those nations surrounding. Essence is pulled forcefully from the bodies of their victims and utilized to empower The Ashen Wolf.

The Armament of The Late Sage of Destruction, empowered by their blood and bound to their soul. Made anew and forged in cursed ritual. Such weapon, thuuming. Reverberating and even capable of speaking to the minds of those unable to resist. The ascended however, not satisfied with their growth would push foward.

Much needed to be done.

...Preperation to take on the mantle of The Sage of Destruction.

"It's not enough...if there is yet more to be gained."
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The advancements of The Lord made with swiftness and silence.

In the time they are not seen, they do not rest nor hesitate. No, they spend time growing. Proceeding forth even if in the shadows, even if behind closed doors. The Lord that had been gifted authority and power would use such to train up those of their battalion. Those of their coven, their forces. Witches to be brought forth, yearning for the knowledge of the occult. They'd seek out none other than The Abyssal. During such lessons, there would be nothing easy going about them. Those that were not able to swim, would drown. Those unable to handle the pressure of being taught such magics from the most potent of beings? Would die. It was simple and no other way around it.

Word travels fast amongst The Moonfallen coven, those looking to learn of the occult may seek out The Lord Ingolf. The ashen tower, where they'd reside. Even some stragglers that'd be adopted into the coven would be taught. Mass crowds at a  time, or singular lessons would take place. The ability to distribute such power proving a boon, amongst those of the dark arts. To those stragglers, the mysterious man may offer word and audience in exchange for tribute. As it was, it will always be.

The tower constructed of the covens hands faces the moon, a lunar reckoning. Advancements to be had from such a fortress in the nearby future. Though for now remained a lord, spreading the knowledge and power of the occult.

Atrellya would propser, should it have been the last insurance Ingolf had. By word of The Demon King, great treasures would be brought about.

This, serving as only a milestone to it all.
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In the midst of the warfronts threatening those of Atrellya, Ingolf remains vigilant. Plans behind the scenes soon to become revealed. Younger wolves gifted power by the coming sage, fed and coddled until they would be capable of serving as worthy underlings. Until they would be worthy of truly being underneath the wing of the coming Sage of Destruction.

The first, directly risen of The Lord being The Wolf of Darkness- Apollyon. Their hunts and fighting prowess alone proving to The Lord of Ash that they would be worthy of ascension. They'd been chosen and targeted by The Abyssal being to become more than they perhaps could've ever imagined.

Under their tutelage, there would be no limit to what they could achieve. Their power, to increase and shake those that dare defy them to their core. 

A new beast rises in the servitude of  The First, through them they too are granted authority and power.

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