Heimdalic_DreamsReanimate verse; a Decomposition
[Image: Bellamy-Poem1.png]

There is a voice in the world.
... In the shadows, a whisper lingers.
In the depths of the world, a murmur persists.

A quiet, solemn tone.

A chilling, eerie presence.

A darkness, unshackled.

A void, unbound.

Wandering through all in which life exists.

Creeping through the world of the living.

In the trees.

Among the shadows.

Within the grass and roots and weeds.

Of the contours of mist, and fog, and decay.

Places where animation, the fight for survival, wars paramount.

In which existence is a mere illusion at the throne of darkness' reign.

The voice travels through this esse - As if waiting for what comes after.

Echoing through the realm, awaiting the inevitable.

Waiting for it to find him.

Anticipating its arrival.

... Or, perhaps. Knowing all things will come to him.

Embracing the certainty that all will succumb to its grasp.

For in the cloak of life, death will forever haunt the shadows that trail it.

And in the veil of vita, the specter looms eternally over the darkness which consumes even that.

Child, are you not feeling the chill tonight?
Venture into the depths of the well so deep,
Have you brought along something, a book, to occupy your mind?
Indeed, one step closer, your secrets to keep.

Entrust me with the opus, your tale to unfold,
Time is slipping away from us, my dear,
No, child - every word is undeniably true,
In this enchanted well, there's nothing to fear.
Let the ink on the pages tell your story,
In the whispers of the night, let your tale ring.
Of adventures and dreams, of love and glory,
All in which you shall't hold, yet still cling.

For in this hallowed well of words and mystery,
A graveyard filled with the inevitable.
Your essence will forever be a part of history,
As the annalic chronicles of your devitable.

Inscribed upon the pages of ancient lore,
The book you bear possesses immense power,
A tale of secrets, whispered evermore,
In every word, a story to devour.

And I, keeper of eternal life,
In a memory, I offer an lasting legacy,
With power to grant an end to all your strife,
To shape your destiny and set you free.
Just surrender that tome unto my hand,
Descend into the depths of timeless grace,
Where dreams and wishes freely roam the land,
And find in me a sanctuary's embrace.

Within this well.



In solitude you dwell, a child in the night,
Darkness your only friend, and death your favored kin...
This page I torn marks the start of our grand flight,
Removed, sheet by sheet, reaching the dread within.

With its trail we shall traverse endless lands,

With every world I touch, life will fade away;
Creativity crushed by my cruel hands,
Flickers of light dim with each passing day.
A journey vast, to snuff out every spark,
To extinguish all that dares to shine bright;
We leave behind a trail of shadows dark,
In our funeral wake, silence reigns, devoid of light.

In solitude, child, you find yourself lost,
My darkness as your sole companion near,
Death awaits your people, as your cost,
Of the torn page I ripped, to remove your fear.

I shall command a formidable force,
A dreadful army of broken books at my beck and call,
Ceaselessly we'll traverse each world's course,
To extinguish every flicker; to watch them all fall
Countless worlds teeming with life's embrace,
Their inspiration flowing like a stream,
We journey on, leaving no individual trace,
Of light, we'll quench each hopeful beam.
In the realm beyond time's measured scope,
Where nothingness held sway o'er all,
Creatures dwelled, possessing boundless hope,
Among them I, who heard their final call.

You, child of strength, I see your noble form,
Yet I transcend mere strength's fleeting power,
For I am the ultimate conclusion, of blood made warm,
And now I stand before you in your final hour.

With purpose clear, I've come to you, dear child,
To guide you through the darkness and the strife,
To ferry, carry, lead you to a destiny so mind,
as I show you realms beyond this earthly life.
Follow to realms beyond the reach of mortal sight,
Where time's constraints do not dare to intrude,
There lies a void, shrouded in endless night,
Where ancient creatures stir in solitude.

You'll sit before the dawn of being, before the birth
Of stars and planets in the vast expanse,
In darkness you'll hear my whispering dearth,
So lost within this well, and locked in trance.

"You possess strength, child," I'll softly intone,
"But I transcend strength, I am the end; essence of 'free'.
The ultimate conclusion, locked within my throne,
I did not come to you; you arrived to me."

"I am the end, the harbinger of fate,
Arriving now to claim what once was thine,
Your strength, though great, cannot breach my gate,
For I am the final thread in life's design.
No matter how you strive, how hard you fight,
I am the inevitable, the end in sight,
You possess strength, but I transcend might,
I am the darkness that engulfs the light."
Embrace the finality that I bring,
For I am the ultimate destination,
The end of all, where shadows now cling,
My presence heralds the end's culmination.


... Child.




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