Poll: Should Eternia have an age rating?
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Yes, it should be 18+
14 35.00%
Yes, it should be 16+
10 25.00%
Yes, it should be lower than the above
0 0%
No, it should not.
16 40.00%
Total 40 vote(s) 100%
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Doru7On the subject of underage players
I'll throw in my shoe as someone whose been terminally online my entire childhood up to my ancient decaying self now.

This is from personal experience. I've been rping on forums, online text based games, and MMORPGs since I was but a lil kiddo.

I believe the only addendum that should be made to the rules, is to the rule below.

Quote:Erotic Roleplay & Sexual Themes
Roleplay of a sexual nature should not leave the private interaction or become a source of roleplay beyond the interactions and kept PG 13 in public. Participants may stop the scene, blackscreen it, or retcon it completely as desired, for any reason, by mentioning it to the other person. While it's not the duty of the staff to monitor what consenting adults write in private, we will step in if it becomes a source of drama.

Throw in a 'Participants who do choose to privately RP this must be consenting adults over the age of 18.' Even then, the statement seems redundant as it specifically states that interactions must be kept PG 13 in public.

This would be, however, a simple addendum within the rules that makes it clear and concise that anyone below the age of 18 should not be participating in that kind of roleplay.

Because if you throw in a "This game is for only those above the age of 18+", it will potentially draw the attention of minors. They'll see it as something to try and get into to prove a point, that they can handle it or don't need supervision. 

Much like a company such as those that run World of Warcraft, Dark Ages of Camelot, Runescape, any online forum, twitter, any online game etc. There isn't a way to hold them liable beyond the rules they already created, and they shouldn't be when you've got hundreds of players. (In some cases thousands to millions but Eternia is defo more of the smaller hundreds and niche types).

I have seen many, many instances where the administration team stepped in to stop uncomfortable situations once it is noticed or reported. That is the best they're able to do, and to expect more is simply unreasonable and does come off as nitpicking and being very disingenuous.

I'm very sorry, but I will be completely honest!

How this thread reads, doesn't read like someone that actually cares about the safety of minors.

It reads like someone who is trying to 'get back' at another person and is using their variation of "Facts and logic" that is unreasonable and unsustainable within any community. 

There are MANY things that Eternia could be criticized for, but the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" line ain't one of them.
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(04-10-2024, 06:28 PM)Avee Wrote:
(04-10-2024, 05:51 PM)Doru7 Wrote: This isn't about what is 'realistically enforceable', this is about making it clear that the community accepts underage players and is willing to keep them safe.

My question to you is why does this poll offend you?



Because someone with the behavior you have shown in some of your RPs and other in-game interactions attempting to die on the hill of 'safety for underage players' disgusts me. As an example, repeating 'scratching your balls' in public: If you cared about the type of content others were exposed to, then this behaviour didn't show it.

I'll make you a deal though, Chance can post all of my logs from all of my characters assuming he does the same for you.

I do not trust this narrative you're putting forth. I do not trust you.

This is because I was under the assumption that the community was 18+. The second I learned it was not, which was right before I made this thread, I knew I had to act.

And go ahead. Post my logs. The worst that you'll see is A. Ratmeat scratching his balls. B. Me being a simp over characters I've built IC relationships with. And C. RPing a schoolboy crush of a sirenian kid who'd never had kindness shown to him having a positive platonic relationship with his mentor.

I've been here a month. You haven't known me that long. I'm sorry that I left such a sour taste in your mouth, but I don't have the visceral disgust for you that you seem to have of me.
I will say this:

Being here is a choice, nobody is forcing you to stay.
(04-10-2024, 06:35 PM)Observing Future Wrote: Because if you throw in a "This game is for only those above the age of 18+", it will potentially draw the attention of minors. They'll see it as something to try and get into to prove a point, that they can handle it or don't need supervision.

I have seen many, many instances where the administration team stepped in to stop uncomfortable situations once it is noticed or reported. That is the best they're able to do, and to expect more is simply unreasonable and does come off as nitpicking and being very disingenuous.

I'm very sorry, but I will be completely honest!

How this thread reads, doesn't read like someone that actually cares about the safety of minors.

It reads like someone who is trying to 'get back' at another person and is using their variation of "Facts and logic" that is unreasonable and unsustainable within any community. 

There are MANY things that Eternia could be criticized for, but the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" line ain't one of them.

I... Honestly, you're right. While I do care about the safety of minors, it's a difficult situation to handle in regards to moderation. I don't claim to have answers, but I do want people to think about and talk about this.

As for my motivations for starting the discussion? Yeah. I was upset that the rule about minors wasn't made clear when I originally read the rules. If anything, the poll thread is just out of shock at my own ignorance. The fact that people are pointing fingers back at me for being a fear-monger and a hypocrite just... It hurts a lot. Especially considering how much respect I have for numerous members of the community. I want to get back in their good graces and I don't know how. The damage I've done is pretty much irreversible. I just want people to stop hating me and calling me a disgusting person, man...
(04-10-2024, 06:39 PM)Doru7 Wrote: ...

A server rating of 18+ doesn't magically prevent your content from being exposed to those who don't want to see it, minors included. I don't personally see crass humor as 18+ but I get his point; particularly when you described various sexual acts etc. You have to see why he doesn't think your intentions are good, and why you're causing contention rather than productive discussion. As a moderator, of the players who might be a potential danger to others, you are high up on that list as is, rather than a voice of insight and reason.

You probably don't mean any harm, but I'd suggest listening more and speaking less from here on out. It would serve you well. People aren't going to hold this against you and are quick to forget. 

I'm going to lock this topic in a bit, since it's steered into unnecessary personal territory.
(04-10-2024, 07:07 PM)Chance Wrote: A server rating of 18+ doesn't magically prevent your content from being exposed to those who don't want to see it, minors included. I don't personally see crass humor as 18+ but I get his point; particularly when you described various sexual acts etc. You have to see why he doesn't think your intentions are good, and why you're causing contention rather than productive discussions. As a moderator, of the players who might be a potential danger to others, you are high up on that list as is, rather than a voice of insight and reason.

You probably don't mean any harm, but I'd suggest listening more and speaking less from here on out. It would serve you well.

You're right. It doesn't help my case to keep making noise like I have been. I apologize for my behavior, and I hope that I can earn people's trust again going forward.

I do ask that the thread remain open, though, so that people can express their thoughts on the subject. I really do care and think people should discuss it.
going to be honest, i don't think eternia has any content that won't be found in a YA novel and i empathize with teenagers who might genuinely want to either nurture their writing ability or seek an escapist refuge from an unpleasant life (or both). that said, i was also groomed on enough roleplay communities from age 12 onward to know that it's courting unpleasantries to have kids around college+ aged folk and writing about these things. romance is the singularly most used plot arc across all media, after all, and the ic / ooc barrier isn't always rigid.

i've always been in favor of keeping ppl under 18 out if they're found out to be under 18 (not actively policed + rooted out by the age gestapo).
maybe i'm biased, but i feel it would be for the best.
my opinion.
[Image: characters-2-smaller.png]
?MINORS DNI!!? in my short desc
If minors want to get into +18 spaces, they'll find a way. Putting any sort of age restriction is going to make it so every minor will lie about their age to get in. It already happens without a restriction; it'll be worse with one. If they're vocal about their age, then at least it's likely that people will avoid being weird to them or around them... as has happened with me (thank you guys)

Your argument about "heavy themes" doesn't make much sense at all either. I'm not going to get into the topic of actual children because yes, get them out of here, what the fuck. But any adolescent aged 14-17 has more than the necessary maturity to handle these topics. The Walking Dead has a minimum age of 16+. That show has scenes of people being eaten alive by zombies. I myself watched it when I was 14.

...honestly, as I grow older I do realize how weird it was to have a 14 year old (me) in the middle of a bunch of adults but that doesn't mean we should lock the entire game behind an age barrier. What I said in paragraph 1 is just going to happen. Let these little shits say they're 14 so everyone knows. If there's no pressure to lie about their age they probably won't. It's better that way. Trust me
link baiano reborn
Your free reminder that to even sign up for BYOND itself, you have to be 13. Or at least, you must check a box saying you are. There should be no pre-teens children present at all by default, if age restriction worked. Plus the nature of the game; you have to be proficient in reading and writing.

I also agree that a lot of the non-sexual themes described are hardly enough to warrant an age-gate. It's text, not graphic imagery.
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