Heimdalic_DreamsBones of our Bones
[Image: FMA1.jpg]
In this beautiful world, our bones descend
Dear stones, bones, sunk deep into the ground
Of battles fought and won, and lives spent
Yet our fate remains, forever bound

For our homes, both sanctuary and pride
These places where we grow and flourish
Now crumble in decay, as we abide
The passage of time, forever cherished

Oh, how we long to live harmoniously
And bask in all the world has offered
Alas, we find our dreams to be fantasy
As the end crawls, so does the lost and coffered

Yet still we cling to every passing day
In this beautiful world, we make our stay.

The bones cascade below, fragile and fair
To remind us of and about all we hold dear
The treasures we've built with affection and care
Now reduced to isolated remnants, made crystal clear

Our homes, our havens, our worlds serenity
Refuse their own ruins, in denying their decay
Our ivory frameworks remain, however tarnished
Choosing to dwell as a splendid domain, and stay

For even as death sweeps us off our feet
Our legacy will ever continue to shine
As willful souls reside as our grand retreat
And we bask in memories, so divine

Though inevitably, we'll spin and reach our timely end
Know our bones cascade the earth as jewels, laid to mend

[Hey, folks! I'm still alive and kicking - Though life has been kicking me as hard as it pleases.
  Erasmus is still around; and I have zero desire to give up any of my characters. I know I have
had basically zero chance to log in ect, and when I do, its only for brief flashes of a moment.  
  However, I'll come back properly! With PLENTY of poems I've written here and there to boot!]

[Image: Sig3.png]
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