VolatileRework Pristine on Weapons
I think part of the reason no one has much motivation to go out of cities and towns, is the lack of needing to have resources gathered. Naturally this make playing roles like high-way men less... enjoyable. As you only see those trying to make a quick buck outside of towns. Or those briefly traveling too and fro. I think it would be good to rework the Pristine in the following way---

Instead of making Pristine a +3 value, it should be moved to being a +5 value.
Upon doing dangerous/deadly battles, your Pristine weapons begin to degrade. After hitting a certain amount of value, these pristine weapons degrade to base value. (Maybe 3? 5?)
After more battles, a weapon will begin to degrade again. Entering a 'Damaged' state. This 'damaged' state will be a -5 value in power. This will take longer to reach. Perhaps double the amount of battles that it would take to go from Pristine to base.(6-10)
From there, there is another tier. Breaking down from damaged after 10 dangerous/Deadly battles. This state is BROKEN, and is an additional -10(totaling to -15) Power on the weapon.

Now, instead of a artificer being able to just 'fix' a weapon with the usage of energy, they now require expending resource to do so. For each tier of power, the weapon requires 1 ore of the weapon's base material. Making you require 3 ores to go from Broken to Pristine.

There's little reason to play a thief or a merchant of weapons/armor as is because once you get a weapon made you're pretty much set on it. there's no maintenance on weapons. And thus no reason for characters to actually go out and collect ores past getting the initial set of weapons and armor.

Sidenote: This could maybe be added to armor pieces as well. But a lower value than 5 as armor has lesser values than weapons.
My discord is Vi#6600
Sounds like a buff to armed users with extra steps. There's better ways to make smiths more relevant, increasing raw stats is not one of them.
I mean if you think 2 power more is a buff or maintaining peak quality on their weapons, sure? But finding things ike mythril is hard.
My discord is Vi#6600
As an artificer? I guess i'm kinda biased as I'm opposed to this? I'm just not sure how I feel about pristine costing ore when its already relatively easy besides the fact that..I'm not seeing a lot of artificers anymore. Not sure if there just not active or something but this seems a tad unnecessary. Besides, people still need mythril kits and thats what most of the ore goes towards, besides other items in the artificer thing to make as well so..Sorry I feel like its slightly not needed, i'll probably edit this later with more of a proper thought
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