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The Return of the Vultures...?
Posters across Meranthe, excluding Atrellya, has been spreading around about a new guild for young, or old adventures looking to communicate, and cooperate with fellow adventures, or hunters.

It seems to be the return of something once known in the west... 
The Vulture Squadron has returned.
Well, it was underneath a new want, new drive as stated in the poster. Seperate from the Frontier, Wisteria has reformed it (offically) seeking new destinies that she  has been seeking to do for awhile. Something more focused on the individual growth of each person, and brotherhood. 

If you are interested in joining the reformed guild, you can contact Wisteria by sending her a message, visiting her house, (178,823) or sending me a PM on discord, the tag is Snowery.
[Image: kaliadorcha.png] 

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