IttoukunDragon and Abomination.
[Image: hFSWGnx.png]
Lately, the golden dragon of Dragon's Nest is not sighted outside of the settlement. Rumors begin to circulate around, some say that he has been injured once again and is recuperating, others say he is training and preparing for something. While the latter might be closer to the truth of the matter, they are unable to accurately pinpoint what is about to happen.
For the first time, the golden dragon decides to make a public statement.
And his expression?
One full of distaste.
I was willing to let a lot pass. Out of the care that I have for the continent of Meranthe, I was directing all of my power towards the threat of the Fel and Atrellya pose. I was willing to swallow the pride that I have as a dragon. After all, what point is there to stir further conflict while not taking into account the bigger picture?
Not anymore.
Kscenyia C. Montelione, or as I like to ever so affectionately call, the Abomination.
When I first met you during my younger years, I was merely excited at the notion that I have run into another of my kind. Foolish, I was in my younger years. However, even back then, I was aware of the fact that your connection to the Divine is skewed, unnatural.
Later on, I found out about your ploy, your mutation, your act that spit on what makes a drakan desire to work towards becoming a dragon. And your gravest sin of all was the fact that you dare to imitate the divinity of the dragons.
I despise the fact that you continue to prance around as a full-blooded dragon, when you are nothing more than a lab experiment. Even those newts that fell to their greed was never got to fully ascend to be true dragons have more pride and worth than your lousy form.
Calling you a lizard would be the most accurate way to describe you.
You are nothing more than a drakan that could not handle the trials that are accompanied with becoming a dragon, instead you chose to submit yourself to a lab experiment with an artificial egg.
You simply wear the flesh of my kin, as if you are one of them.
And to think that you even have an egg of one of my kin, and you even submerged it within lava.
I bet you, with your ever so limited foresight, is unable to fathom the idea as to why the egg has not hatched thus far.
The idea of one of my kin is kept by a lizard such as yourself is the last straw that I needed to make this declaration.
 Give me that egg.
I, Alluvium the Verdant, Son of Fahdlrex..
..challenge you to a fight.
If you even have a spec of honor, you will accept it and come out to face me. Show me the results of your augmentations.
Perhaps, if you accept, you might have a chance to survive with the fake flesh you have on you ripped, reduced to being nothing more than a weakened drakan.
Otherwise, I will come find you, and your last spec of hope of living beyond our fight shall be extinguished as I shall feast on your flesh.
Even if I have to rip through the walls that you hide behind.

With the declaration made official, the dragon steps away, once again going back to making his preparations.
The intention of the Verdant one is made fully clear to the entire world.
It is an official declaration of war.
Due to the lack of response from both Gloomlight and Ksceniya, the Abomination, the newly appointed Commander has an announcement to make for all those that attend following the Cleansing. (Wednesday, 3pm Est)
Late as it may be, rumors circulate throughout the land of what may be an official or non-official response to another. For some are more busy than lazy dragon's that just lay around all day, especially during these times. A rant and a response alike.
[Image: Jfaw5OX.jpg]
Kinslayers, Cannibals, and Witches. Oh, this request is an old one, isn't it? Long too have I and many others ignored what goes up in the north, and of your type and kind. Of numerous witch allegations, most of those, proven. Of rumors of those dabbling with the void your family left behind, of common witch deals offered openly to those around. So Prideful and Arrogant there is nothing but a cloud of angry mist that occupies the space between your horns, It becomes ever so clear and obvious why I tend to stay away from the majority of my kin.
Do you want to know a fact, Alluvium of Verdant? When I heard of your mis-informed death by the claws of the wolves, I mourned. The bright spark of life I met even on that unfortunate day, gone. When it turned out you were alive, I was happy that the other being like me wasn't gone forever. Yet… this is what results from such? From that little curious dragon you have been twisted into something unknown and strange. Perhaps not too much of a surprise, considering the echo-hall that is the Dragon’s Nest.
A mutation? Alluvium, if you are the ‘right’ type of dragon, then by the divine 4, I want nothing to do with your type of dragonkind at all, considering what you forgive and do. Besides, who are you to speak for the divine 4? Some dragon that was raised by drakanites, humans, and none of his kind? At Least I was among my people before I ascended, and I have an excuse. If you can summon Fahldryx or one of the other divine 4 to come to Gloomlight and pass judgment upon me, feel free. I would enjoy watching and experiencing such, it would satisfy a curiosity of mine, and I have no doubts that what I am is pure under the 4. You’re a priest of them. You should be able to at least do that if they truly care, no? And don't tell me ‘Ohhh! We need to be their claws!!! They can't do it themselves!’ They are the divine 4, if they cared for my existence and wanted me gone, they would have already killed me. I would be dead. For beings of power like them, it isn't that difficult, and I am not special there. Do you spit on their power as well?
But until you summon a dragon under the divine 4 to heed true unbiased verdict upon me, I frankly do not respect your opinion onto what is, as I never have your ‘group’. You carry the opinions of your ‘mother’ (Which, have you ever asked Arnet where she got your egg? You do know you did not come from your original parents willingly, correct? And she certainly didn't lay you) and she seemingly follows the opinions of one heavily inclined towards Felfyraxes. The only thing you spit on by your words are yourself and the strength and pride of our kin, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Albeit thank you for the compliments Alluvium. At Least you can recognize that I truly am full-blooded, it's nice to hear.
Honor? Alluvium, what honor do you have? What have you ever done for the people around you, because I sure haven't heard of anything. Eivor Udalirson, despite some of my personal disagreements with him, despite the fact that he threatened and attacked my home, has honor. Camino de Caewyn, by the way he treats his people and his surroundings, and how he keeps and conducts Dalthala in the public sphere and with grace, has honor. What do you have Alluvium? Where is your dragon’s honor?
All I see is the honor of… I don't know, a clinical racist? Under the extent of those once void and witch touched? Almost being killed by the wolves? What an ‘honor’ indeed. The shame is, I can't entirely blame you for your words. You were plucked away from your parents and forcefully raised with the kin that weren't your own, instilled with their ideas of what the ‘divine’ is and not ones of dragon’s. Perhaps a good thing, for if they did, one day they would have come to kill you and eat your heart and body, as is so common with those to the north.
If I could have returned your egg and my egg to their parents? I would have. But I don't know where mine came from, I was given it, and so it's difficult to return. I don't know why your city has such a clinical case of egg-stealing, nor that we seem to not care about stealing unborn children away from their parents. I guess it's just easier to ignore, as your kind do tend to ignore anything that doesn't fit in your jaded and locked view.
I don't know why you think the egg is submerged in lava. It's on a very nice and padded nest right now, very comfy and warm. I would know, it's where I sleep. It's warm, and it simply feels right to coil around it. Suffice to say, it is very well taken care of. Better than your's was, when your egg was stuck in someone's bag in Gloomlight, an embarrassing and concerning thing at the time. But of course, you don’t care about that because your head is stuck so far up your behind that you’ve become a circle. That's right Alluvium, you’ve become a circle. Good job.
Did it never go through that thick skull of yours to… ask? Because sure, I could understand this entire thing if I insulted you in messages, or denied you access, but you literally haven't sent a letter or done anything once. We’ve talked a single time throughout both of our existences, and I can count just as well the amount of times I’ve talked to Arnet on my claws. But… clearly I’ve been occupying a lot of space in both of your heads, I suppose I should be honored. I must admit, the Dragon’s Nest tends to be a lot lower in mine.
To those not of the north, I would not recommend supporting the geographical time bomb that is the Dragon’s Nest. Let alone what they’ve already shown with witchery and so on, Fail or Succeed, considering those, I imagine you’ll find yourself in their sights soon enough, and it seems the young dragon has more to do with Felfyraxes greed than anything to do with Falhdrex’s creation. Strange how those so seemingly inclined towards creation and those who created the world venerate destruction, but I suppose that is what an island bound echo-chamber will do. At least its not incest. Yet. Considering your obsession with ‘purity’, It would do well to watch your own generational lines, lest you re-enact what caused the loss of Full-Shift in the first place.
To those who do not wish to stay in the Dragon’s Nest, yet want to keep seeking their blood and ancestry, do not fear. I never advertised because I respected Arnet’s place, but I feel that has gone slightly beyond that point. Feel free to come to Gloomlight, or anything adjacent, and I will teach. They may call me ‘mutant’, but never let it be forgotten;
I ascended to a Full-Shift first, after thousands of years of nobody behind me. I am designed to teach. And trust me, there is a path honored by the 4 besides just waiting for a blessing above. No dragon enjoys being lazy.
Oh, one last thing. Mutant, hm? Did you ever hear how Arnet ascended to a greater? Why, she died touching what is most likely your egg, chances are taken from your killed parents that did the deed. Came back from the dead, like a strange sort of essence vampire. Goodness, that sounds like ‘mutant’ behavior to me, doesn't it? But maybe I shouldn't judge, I wouldn't want to be as low as you are, after all...
A slightly non-formal response, for some people are busier than others.
(You gotta give me more time for these things its finals week I'm busy!!!!! Sad )
A shake of hands, coin and materials given, and a hefty amount of deliberation, arguments, and agreements followed. Whatever happened within the following months, approaching the new year, remained quiet. But there was one specific thing to notice in the north: the army of serpents went back into their holes to prepare for something grander.

And once again, the Commander has an announcement for all to come and listen to. Yes, even those from Gloomlight if they risk walking into the garden. [Thursday, 6 PM EST.]
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