SpiritoftheSandsPanel Discussion on the Nature of the Metaphysical
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To all scholars and practitioners of the Metaphysical.

I, Mei'Ria, Keeper of Truth and Librarian of the Grand Design, invite thee to a discussion upon the nature of the Metaphysical.
All who desire to learn are welcomed to participate, save for those who might wish to harm others present at the discussion.

This discussion will be formatted as a panel, held in the courtyard of Gloomlight, wherein foremost masters and scholars of Metaphysics shall be offered a spot to discuss with other speakers and answer questions posed by observers, however, I am not all knowing.
If you feel you possess the requisite experience to speak at this event, please feel free to contact mineself either in person, or via letter.

This event shall occur at the beginning of the next year, that being the year of 2122AC.

Topics of discussion will likely include, though not be limited to:

-What IS the Metaphysical. 
-How Metaphysical forces interact with Reality. 
-Notable Sources of Metaphysical energies and how to generate them.
-Groups that can help foster experience with Metaphysical technique..
-How Conceptual magic intersects with Metaphysical expression .
-How Arcane magics interact with Metaphysics.

May we all benefit from an increased understanding of these foundational engines of reality.
(Date: Monday, June 10th, @5pmEST
Location: Gloomlight
If you are interested in being on the panel, contact me either IC or @SpiritoftheSands on Discord
Or just show up and make a good case, whatever works.
Anyone who wants to learn more about Metaphysical lore is welcome to observe.)
Time being pushed back to 6:00pm EST, apologies for any inconvenience!
Due to IC events, the Panel Discussion has been rescheduled to Monday, June 16th, at 6:30pm
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