DriveLaws of the Realms.
Across the Realms of Meranthe, many cultures collide and thrive.

And many of these cultures are civilized.

And with civilization, comes the word of Law. 
And otherwise.

Each land has it's own set of laws, represented by it's current leadership. 

Prosperan Decree of Laws.
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Those are the region specific laws of Prospera:

► You shall not enact debauchery.

► You shall not engage in vile arts, the list contains but not limited to Necromancy, Witchcraft, and otherwise immortal realms of knowledge. 

► You shall not betray another for gain of otherwise attainable goods.

► The word of the current ruler is law, and is not to be tested.

► Worship of the Meranthan Pantheon and otherwise orderly deities is permitted on the premises, but Athelios stands above the rest.

► Maid outfits are strictly banned within the city, to be worn or traded, and even woven. 

► Those involved in trade shall not sell anything with any illicit background, this extends to witch drugs, nefarious artifacts and otherwise illegal contraband.

► Cleansed demons are welcome to visit the city, but they are not allowed to hold property nor live there for longer than the Ruler's Decree and agreed upon measure of time.

► You shall not desecrate a place of worship, of any faith, within Prosperan lands. 

► Thievery is not at all permitted within the lands, and will be punished swiftly.

► Assaulting individuals, be it citizens or guests of Prospera, will be punished swiftly.

► Disrespecting the authority of the Royal Family is a punishable offense, and will be dealt with depending on the severity.

Any member of the Royal Line, and their guard, as well military officers can enact the following punishments for those who broke the law:

► Jail time.


► Public flogging.

► Ambutation.


Note: These punishments are only dealt to those caught breaking the law, accusations and whatnot, will be held under investigation and only then will the appropriate, and fairest punishment, will be dealt.

(( It's about time we had an actual law thread, hopefully this leads to everyone posting their own laws here, to make it a neat place for all laws to be observed, and give different flavors to each nation with their own specific laws and beliefs. ))
. . In comes the Midpoint, producing their own set of rules that regulate their commerce and company. It is a very simple set.

[Image: midpoint.jpg]
Quote:The specific regulations and expectations of Midpoint:
  • Everybody of all race, shape, and size is permitted to shop at our stalls. Coin doesn't discriminate.

  • All violence is to be taken outside or at the Bloodpits. Do not break our merchandise or merchants.

  • If you are to loiter here, do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage to you, nor will we protect you.

  • Nations are welcome to station guards after discussion with the three heads.

Consequences for breaking these rules vary. They include, but are not limited to, getting shot in the head, thrown into the wilderness, and a fee determined by the severity of the event.
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Land of Faeborne and the Mother Goddess Nemea. As of 2132, the following are expected standards that visitors and citizens alike should adhere to:
ꕤ Occultists are banned from entry into Delphina. Any caught will be escorted out by the Elzara. Refusal to depart will result in arrest and fine of 20,000c. 
Repeat violation of this law will escalate punishment to exorcism.
ꕤ Demons are not allowed in Delphina and are arrested on sight if spotted.
ꕤ Practice of black magics such as riftmancy, necromancy and witchcraft is forbidden and subjected to immediate arrest.
ꕤ Creatures known as 'magical beasts' are permitted entry but are encouraged to seek clearance from an Elzara member to ensure they are not a danger to the public.
ꕤ Her Wondrous Woods, a sacred grove, is off limits to foreigners and trespassers are subjected to a fine of 30,000c, unless with allowed company.
ꕤ Merchants are advised to not sell dubious or Nemean artifacts. 
Should this surface, their license to sell within Delphinan borders will be revoked and they will be subjected to a varying fine and all assets seized.
ꕤAssault on Delphinan citizens, especially Faeborne, will result in arrest and punishment appropriate to injury sustained. Varying from imprisonment or fine or worse.
ꕤ Assault on the Lumin King is ill-advised to any who values their life as is.
ꕤ Disrespect to the Mother Goddess Nemea within the realm's borders will receive a warning. It is unlike to be issued more than once.
ꕤ Destruction to property is subject to arrest and fine depending on the value of what was destroyed.
ꕤ Thievery is subject to arrest and fine depending on the value of what was stolen. Failure to return the material will result in harsher punishment.
ꕤ Worship of other Gods is allowed so long as it is not in active conflict with Nemea.

Official Figures
Lumin King Camino de Caewynn
Luminary and Heir Sunsets over Moonlight
Elzara Lord Commander Kakku Alinteau
Elzara Captain Elion Lusatra
Royal Guard Captain Nylion Alabaster
Royal Guard and Prince Vanitas Caewynn
Royal Guard Cielia Meanderwing
Royal Guard Anteias Maroth

Debt issued and paid to absolve the crime committed. This will vary based on severity. Refusal to pay will result in more drastic punishment.
Community Service
Service to the citizens and royal courts of Delphina. Crops watered, mines emptied, gardens tended. Physical labor for a set period of time.
Exclusively learning of the realm's laws and Nemea with the Luminary for a set period of time. Ranging from one to three years.
Isolated from the realm and confined into a cell. This may range from several months, to one year, three, five.
Occultists may pay for their crimes in the loss of their magic, be it by choice or unwilling.
Paid for in ways coin, service and isolation cannot. Blood given.
Forgiveness beyond the mortal coil.
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Social Law
  1. The Oracle's word is final.
  2. There will be no public worship of other gods, besides Athelios, in Gloomlight Square (Practice of Kraus is allowed in the realm of Unreality.)
  3. The utilization of occultism that is unsanctioned or unregistered is illegal, and must be reported to the Oracle, Pontifice, or Commander and regulated. Failure to do so will result in  re-education.
  4. Degeneracy in public is frowned upon, and will lead to fines.
  5. Fighting within the square or the destruction of property will lead to a reprimand, depending on severity.
  6. Arts that go against the Lifestream, like Riftmancy, will be reprimanded depending on severity. License to hold knowledge in these arts is at the discretion of the Oracle.
  7. If discovered using a depraved art, or have an association with a depraved art, without a license by the Oracle, the most extreme of reprimands will be given.
  8. Terrorism and threats will lead to a reprimand.
  9. Unsanctioned murder will lead to a reprimand, unless performed by a Faceless in service of the Warden.

Religious Law
  1. All that follow Athelios must remember the Doctrine and follow it with diligence, making sure to uphold His word in everything that you do.
  2. All must be educated on the code, the Ordinance, and the philosophy of Athelios to be known as a proper citizen.
  3. Anyone that dares to publicly disrespect the Lord Warden is subject to re-education depending on the severity of defacement.
  4. Those that betray the code after learning of the code and practicing the code will be punished to the highest extent of their betrayal (re-education, execution, lashes, exile.)
  5. Anyone that tries to twist, change, or alter the identity from what He truly represents is committing heresy, and will be punished.

Military Law
  1. Upon joining the military, at the rightful age of 13, you are given a trial period of five years as a squire to prove yourself. During that time, you will be assigned to astral or umbral, learning the dogma and given the final decision of which path to take. Upon assignment, you are given knighthood. You cannot become a knight before 16 (minimum), and you can become a registered squire at 13 (minimum).
  2. As a knight, you are to serve your commander and captain loyally, and do as you are told; failure can lead to a strip of knighthood and a state-ordained reeducation. Continuing failure means returning to being a citizen.
  3. As a knight, you are to uphold the religious and societal laws, policing all those that are around you to the highest authority.
  4. As a knight, you are also held to a higher standard, and failure to do so will lead to heavier reprimands than if you were a simple citizen: you are an idol to mimic for citizens, act like it.
  5. Betraying your posts for selfish gain is a means for strip of knighthood, if not worse, depending on severity.
  6. Using your status as a means of harassing others unjustly is grounds for a strip of knighthood, if not worse, depending on severity.
  7. Failure to contribute to society as a knight, or deciding to go off without warning, is grounds for a return to citizenhood (long term stands of afkness without much notice.)
  8. Squires and Knights are required to patrol at least once every other year, and in doing so any and all reports must be filed by paper and mailed to all acting representatives of Gloomlight (IE Captain+) 
  9. In the absence of any acting leadership, Knights and above may use their best judgment in accordance with Gloomlight laws and morals to maintain the structure of peace until they can get an adequate judgment from their officials.

Punishments for breaking the law vary between situations, but the most common punishments are:

Debt incurred to the Holy State of Aphros, to be paid as soon as possible in order to be absolved of the crime perpetrated. Refusal to pay will result in a higher level sentence.
Community Service
Served anywhere from a year to two years. One may be forced into re-education, or simply attend to the needs of others while wearing an anti-magic restraint. Often saved for more minor crimes.
For those unaware of the Lord Warden, or who have forgotten. While wearing an anti-magic restraint, they will be taught (or in some cases re-taught) the ways of Athelios. It is here they will learn to never commit the crime again.
Jail Time
Spent within a cell for at least a year (longer for repeat offenders), one is not allowed to interact with the wider world due to the crime(s) they've committed.
Either a public or private spectacle depending on the severity of the crime. It is bloody, and is certainly a show when it's done in public. The wounds from this day will translate to repentance.
Machina ex Poena
While it's common for those who follow the faith to augment their bodies with prosthetics and some procedures are seen as blessings, others are often used for punishment. These often involve hesitant victims, criminals, and sinners, offered a second chance and forgiveness under service of the state. These involve more advanced contraptions, such as subcutaneous remote-controlled shock devices, replacing entire limbs with monstrous alternatives instead of a human-looking equivalent, or other such things.
For those that forget their way or continue to act insubordinate to someone of higher rank, or those who disrespect the Lord Warden or fail to showcase improvement from a previous sentence. Often these can range from five years to a lifetime, depending on the severity and attitude.
There is a certain belief that the blood of a sinner contains the depravity through which they led their lives. As such, executions by exsanguination aim to remove the blood within a sinner’s body entirely, accompanied by circles of prayer that consecrate it. This way, it is believed that a sinner may move on free from the burden of their deeds. Born in Aphros, this method of execution is served for those that conspire with witches, demons, and necromancers or are one of them, or is an unrepentant killer not approved by the Oracle.

Oracle, Thomas G. Equisol
Secretary to the Oracle, Miriam S. Equisol
Commander of the Bastion, Ansel
Pontifice of the Asperan Church, Falke Bargiel
Umbra Captain, Barron Bargiel
Astra Captain, Justia
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