KynimAtrium of the White
[Image: Screenshot-22.png]

"A haven for the lost, weary, and weak; for the Light to be cultivated, and harmony to be realized. 

The Atrium of the White, the stronghold of the Seekers of Joy undergoes construction, and the first official gathering of our Order, will be on
Friday, June 28th at 4PM EST. 

... and then, we will begin; lessons, journeys, and adventures.

All who seek to join the Seekers of Joy, Order of the White are requested to come by, or send a letter to Mitra Prithvi to state interest; Virtuosos, Maestros and Scholars will be contacted prior to the event!"

This thread will be used as a primary form of scheduling for events, expeditions and lessons hosted by authorities of the Seekers; Anyone of the fourth rank or above is welcome to schedule, post for interest and more after the primary opening event is done!
bedivere || discord: cornelius.treat
[Image: Screenshot-24.png]

The Seekers' first official meeting goes off without a hitch, or at least, starts that way; beneath the banner of High Keeper Mitra Prithvi, the intent of the guild is once more laid out; to teach, cultivate, and preserve the arts of protection, healing, cleansing, and sanctification of the Light. To that end, the Wishgranter announces the current ranking of fellow members...

The Three Magi
Prized, beloved mentors from my past whom have each taught me something special about life, brought me through hardship, and work true miracles within the world; they are the idealized version of each art they teach. They are..

Azalea Aubreen, the Lady of Alacritas and Goddess of Harmony and Balance.
Hina Lam, Chancellor of the Illuminated and Paragon of Jiuweihu
Svengalf Sandsker, Champion of Alacritas and Life, and a master of the art of Wayfinding.

The Maestro Five
Skilled magi within their field of purchase, these are mages to look up to learn, and desire knowledge from; for they have faced their own trials and will stand as pillars of the Order in time.

Llewellyn Hannink, Warden of Caius and chosen of Valor
Fantasy P. Kasca, Mender, Teacher, Wayfinder.
Tenacity de La Croix, Scion of Order and a scion of Harmony.
Eivor Ualdirson, Chosen of the Light and Ualdir
The fifth role of the Maestro Five remains open, and up for the taking for those who have yet to prove themselves.

Those who have yet to pledge themselves to the Order are still welcome to, by letter or in person.

Tal's attempt, foiled
[Image: Screenshot-25.png]


I would not bid you all come with me, for beyond this portal, we face a trial between life and death."

In the midst of the first gathering of the Seekers, the High Keeper is keen to note a sudden shift within the world- an attempt from the mages of Undeath around Meranthe to cause strife and spread their profane magic around the world; to that end, the Wishgranter brings the entirety of the Order with him, aiming to put a stop to this farce--

Maestro Tenacity de La Croix attempts to stop Aaliyah Tal directly, and is stopped- incapacitated, and nearly killed; after the necromancer has a lapse in judgement and refuses to kill the Radiant of Harmony, she is ferried to safety, aided by the likes of those of the Order-- and Tal walks free once more. Though many are unsure of what caused this matter, the High Keeper surmises that there must be one shred of humanity left within the soul of the necromancer...

Noblesse Kindle Svengalf manages to defeat another of Tal's minions after they set upon her, and the Order expresses gratitude, offering her an advanced track toward Seeker in time.

Libertato Marino, a former disciple of Catildre and Discord itself makes an attempt to claim the life of Virtuoso Azalea Aubreen, and after a mighty defense is fronted by the likes of Thomas Equisol, Gwyndolyn Kasca, and Svengalf Sandsker, he is still able to break through; and yet, the Goddess of Harmony proves that she is not without strength, able to narrowly defeat the Marino in her own defense before being ushered back into the safety of her people.

The Order thanks those who arrived and fought for the sake of humanity, even if not affiliated with the Seekers; their duty is to mankind, and the Light; and Arcadia will always hold open doors to those interested.

... and now that the Order's first meeting and outing has gone off without a hitch, expect to find more here- announcements, lessons, and expeditions!!!
bedivere || discord: cornelius.treat
Following the first official meeting of The Order of White and the pivotal events that ensued, The Maven, Linden Aubreen, stepped forward to announce his intentions to the world, to spread his message far and wide, he began hiring travelers and adventurers to carry missives to every major nation- Arcadia, The Frontier, Midpoint, Londo, Serenity, Delphina, Gloomlight, Goldlight, Xuefeng, Aegis, and any other place with a significant populace, aiming to spread the word to every single spot within Meranthe.

"Hello all,
It's been quite some time since our first meeting, where we helped each other sort things out and became much more organized than we were before. Now that we have those initial matters settled, I want to reach out to all of you with an important message to those who may take it as such.
To the aspiring holy magi who wish to use their magic for the betterment of the world, to the curious ones who would love to learn about connecting to the lifestream, to those seeking knowledge and understanding of Solais, and to anyone in need of help or aiming to become one of us- I extend my hand to you.
I welcome any and all who love this world as much as I do."
a small gathering for those who are interested in learning about either holy magic, the lifestream, or The Order of White
Note: I will be able to scene with whoever has a request. You may contact me via letter in game, or find me whenever I am available. 

I will send out a ping every once in a while for those who may be interested.
Date: TBD
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