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Burning Shores (Deathwind Fleet vs. The Traverse)
[Image: pyq9clv5pp4.png]
"Let the Southern Sea welcome its new ruler."
A fog overtook the eastern shore of The Traverse; a clearly unnatural occurrence. The vessels covered by the fog were bearers of ill tidings for the inhabitants of the island. An assault, utilizing the covering of darkness and an esoteric art, saw a multitude of Undead and living making an attempt to pillage the settlement upon the isle. An announcement of a Fleet within the Southern Sea that looked to make their name known, and stake their claim.
Objective: Announcing the Deathwind Fleet's presence. Pillaging anything of value.
Date: TBD
[Image: wye3cqgwle4.png]
[Image: ea5d08bc3c079c373b78fa86d8ec285b.png]
"Pirates? UNDEAD pirates now?! Shit Captain, I've seen it all now haven't I..."

Amongst the beaches and shores of the south, the first skirmishes of conflict begins. Seeing the Traverse under threat of incursion, the Kingdom of Fortune sends an expedition to the western waters to bolster it's neighbor's garrisons.
A vessel containing the Sovereign's chosen detachment is sent forth to drive the pirates back into the sea. 
Fortune has not tolerated the pirate threat in the Southern Seas for a long time... It sure won't start now.

Objective: Repel the Deathwind forces from Traverse territory.
The Sirenia inhabiting the Traverse understand quickly that the waters they inhabit are disturbed. Far too used to the calm and silent sea, shock and surprise spread throughout the population at the murmurs of lurking pirates, living and dead. Many have sought refuge further inwards, as rudimentary as defenses on land might be. However, fear is not so common, throughout the ranks of the sailors of the small island nation, where one of the two Suzerains steps up to address the would-be pillagers.

This address comes across the waves like a thunderous echo, where the fog of war may spread, as waters carry the voice of the Champion of Sirenia:

"The wretches have spared me the trouble of digging up the ground to find them.

The people of Sirenia never bow down to avaricious pirates; much less undead ones. You are not prepared. You have come to these shores, and it will have been your worst mistake. No stone will be left unturned, 'till your fleet is expelled from the waters of the Southern Sea.

I have better ways to spend time, than having to fight you rotting fucks."

[Image: dspk8s-71c8ca67-b957-462a-b544-53996aafb...OR8OGvsCBw]

The Traverse stands in its defense, as sailors and Sirens swim out to welcome the raiding party.
[Image: whatthefish.png]
Upon the continent of Meranthe, there lie two sanctuaries for those of the deep ocean. The Traverse and Nereides.
Word and bubbling babbling does not take long, nor is the journey lengthy for those that blitz through the ocean blue - The Traverse's waters are disturbed.
"Harmony between Land and Sea is ever-cherished a thing. Those who would look to disturb it and look to plunder the safe havens of Sirenia will be sorely tested.
Those of which anoint yourself as warriors of Galene, those of which anoint yourself as guardians of Leucothea, those of Scylla that have abandoned deepest waters in land's favour..
.. let us travel to the defence of our brothers and sisters carrying His wisdom and strength, and His penchant to create."
A speech ripples, from a figure of no true authority - and yet, that rallying cry, it would duly be heeded by the most hardy of oceanic souls.
[ Nereides ... sort of... unofficially... comes to the defence?! ]
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 5PM EST

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