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The Festival of Remembrance

It is told that hope can come in many shapes and forms be it a simple act of kindness or forgiveness... to one faithful to Memoria, hope comes in the form of remembrance, the fond memories of the past, the cherished times of joy. The memories which drove them to what they had become now, the reason and the roots which they look upon when everything feels like falling apart.

Dunsman S. Viridi
The Sage Of Sands
Memoria's Faithful

Invites the people of Meranthe to recount their fond Memories alongside
Solais, The Tree of Hope
And how it had shaped their life

Come at:

Solais Sapling - The Tree of Hope
Saturday 6 PM EST

So that we may return back to the better times...
At least, for a moment...

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#1 sand connoisseur
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To remember something as they once was is a time that should be met with joy filled laughter and happiness that is unending. Life is too short to let oneself be stuck on the pass but to live in the present and carry those that you have lost within your hearts. To carry on in their honor. Yet there are those that take themselves too seriously and that can lead some down paths that ends up cursing you to a fate that most wouldn't want to ever happen to their worse enemy.

As joy is not always a good thing...

Many of the non-magi of Arcadia have been cursed by something that only wishes to bring joy to everyone, though in doing so this curse takes all other emotions from them as now only laughter and joy filled their minds and every cursed non-magi would always say that the one who done this was a strange figure in a jester outfit. 

There was a festival to be had and joy to be given

And one jester wasn't going to be left out.
Mestra has taught the man that a world of many colors can't be conveyed only in black and white

Of remembrance has these words of wisdom been recounted and like the world of color, nor joy alone can shade the complexity of hope

No Curse Shall Bleach The Truth


Memoria Knows And Protects
#1 sand connoisseur
The Aftermath

Following the festival's opening, an unexpected guest has shown up
The Undead Jester, the self-proclaimed Harbinger of Joy

A battle has ensued upon the streets of Arcadia following his attempt at corrupting the still young Solais tree yet, defended by the Gala and Memoria's faithful, the attempt was unsuccessful.

The Jester has been defeated by Regalus and thrown through a wayfinding portal, the threat against Solais has been impeded.

[Image: SPACE_PORTALS_By_me___collage_collageart...d92d5c4fe&]

Following the events, the Festival had been canceled so that, alongside Svengalf, the Jester's hexes upon the Arcadia's non-magi population could be broken.

A reschedule has been made and thus,
The Festival of Remembrance will be held:

Friday at 4PM EST (10.11.2024)
Arcadia, Solais's Sappling (328.730.1)

[Image: Yggdrasil_Fantasy_Design.jpg?ex=6703fb5f...41559b162&]
#1 sand connoisseur

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