It is told that hope can come in many shapes and forms be it a simple act of kindness or forgiveness... to one faithful to Memoria, hope comes in the form of remembrance, the fond memories of the past, the cherished times of joy. The memories which drove them to what they had become now, the reason and the roots which they look upon when everything feels like falling apart.
Dunsman S. Viridi
The Sage Of Sands
Memoria's Faithful
Invites the people of Meranthe to recount their fond Memories alongside
Solais, The Tree of Hope
And how it had shaped their life
Come at:
Solais Sapling - The Tree of Hope
Saturday 6 PM EST
So that we may return back to the better times...
At least, for a moment...
The Sage Of Sands
Memoria's Faithful
Invites the people of Meranthe to recount their fond Memories alongside
Solais, The Tree of Hope
And how it had shaped their life
Come at:
Solais Sapling - The Tree of Hope
Saturday 6 PM EST
So that we may return back to the better times...
At least, for a moment...
#1 sand connoisseur