JuniperHarmony's Union
Two souls, intertwined in the pursuit of Harmony.
Five more, raised in it's image.
[Image: 8d48cd9d94981712533ca7d404c5219f.jpg]

Your mother... Juniper Aubreen:
A Drakanite by birth who ascended into an Aerodyne in 2148. Her appearance has taken a drastic change, but you've gotten used to it. She used to use Earth/Metal/Sand/Energy/Holy/Harmony. Following her ascension, she uses Wind/Sound/Holy/Energy/Harmony (either way, you may choose to take after her prior attunements as a genetic predisposition, or her current ones based on her influence!). She is the Mender of Arcadia, serving as it's head medic and a council-member. She is also a Keeper of Koretheia, one of her esteemed followers and a newly adorned priestess of Harmony. She can come across as quite eccentric, and although her doting attitude makes her a mother figure to many, her love for you is unconditional. You have many memories of dwelling in nature with her, or going on rides in the air on those big, fluffy wings she used to have.

Your father... Linden Aubreen:
A man of average height with an appearance that seems to shift at times. He oft carries the presence of life on him as he shared a strong connection with the world. He uses Holy/Energy/Armed/Mana Absorb/Harmony. He raised them with a lot of care and kindness, teaching them the importance of family and cherishing your loved ones. Will share a very close relation to the Aerodyne and a strong understanding of their grandmother Azalea, and subsequently Koretheia. He is also both a Keeper of Koretheia and a council-member of Arcadia. Despite your family's position in the town's leadership, he has emphasized the importance of a humble upbringing. He loves to take you on field trips to Delphina, where you've become familiar with many family friends!
You and your siblings:
  • Are one of five children. The eldest was born in 2130, and may spawn in 2141. The middle 3 can be spawned any time after 2141. The final child, an Aerodyne, was born in 2148, and may take after Juniper's new characteristics (therefore, the following bullet points only apply to the oldest 4! An Aerodyne slot will open in a couple months, with a subsequent post announcing it.) There have been IC talks of twins, but they do not have to be identical (this also makes it make sense if any of them were born in the same year!). If you want to be a twin, let us know when you are reaching out so we can help you coordinate!
  • Are a human or a drakanite. 
  • Have a potential for Azalea (?) or Mortyl Nephilim heritage.
  • Had a modest and humble upbringing in Arcadia, but had frequent visits to Delphina. Overall, an appreciation for nature, life, and the world were hopefully instilled in you by a very early age.
  • Were raised to understand and feel close to the Goddess Azalea, your grandmother. You may be a bit too young to understand exactly how Koretheia connects to your grandma... but you know she is family!
  • All have green eyes.
  • Probably have brown hair, but there's a very small chance for you to inherit a lighter, almost white color! Yay recessive genes!
  • Have a very strong predisposition to learn holy and harmony magic. If you do learn harmony magic, your appearance might change when you use it like Linden! It's okay if you don't take this path but we will be very disappointed in you.
  • Were babysat by the Prithvi boys, and see them as your cousins. Although Uncle Mitra was a bit too busy to babysit, he also loves you very much!
  • Have access to a dragon's hoard of crafting materials as a trust fund. You can use them to become familiar with a trade, or your mother can sell them and give you a sizeable allowance!

To inquire, reach out on discord to: jennifersnails or speed6254
The eldest slot has been taken!
The middle 3 children will be able to spawn two weeks from year change (Oct 26), I will bump again then :)
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