radioIrontail Takeover
[Image: meowmeowmeowome.png]
Quote:Raised within Xuefeng during the birth of Gakaiyo, most of your younger years were shadowed by the Atrellyan threat and then the invasion which followed. From a young age you've been witness to the devastation your Empire faced, but also were you there for the strength of its people to endure and continue on. Now are you set to begin your own stories as budding magi in the years of rebuilding.
You come from a loving and large family, though there aren't many present from your father's side, your mother's stretches for more than enough to make up for it. Whether it be grandfather, great grandfather, aunts, uncles or cousins. Family is something to be cherished and something you were taught to love, respect and appreciate. That said, you've also been given free reign to build dreams and opinions of your own. But, just how important you are has been instilled in you from a young age at every moment it could possibly be repeated time and time again. Whether it be the Imperial Blood that runs in your veins, your relation to the Emperor, or your position within Gakaiyo. In the end, it is up to you to decide who you will be. As long as you remain strong and true to yourself. Be proud of what you are.
Extremely spoiled by both parents, you've grown up with the ability to have anything you desire. Pushed to let your emotions flourish, both the positive and negative you likely found yourself in many fights. Including those you had not the ability to handle. Often did you find yourself pushed to your limits, surrounded by challenges no child is meant to handle.
While you might be prepared for the world, surely it is not prepared for you. It is your time to break and bend its rules, forging your own path.
  • You were raised with and around magical beasts for most if not all of your life, both docile and dangerous creatures. They do not scare nor disturb you.
  • On spawn you will carry a high ranking within the political landscape of Xuefeng as well as potential to push to towards the Empire in full as it rebuilds.
  • You were raised by your parents, but also were there many others who influenced your life. Whether it be visits from people outside like Miriam Equisol and their own children or aunts and uncles within the nation itself. You have a wide reaching family.
  • You were raised alongside the Shuren children, their mother being your mother's best friend and closest advisor.
  • While most of your life was spent within Xuefeng and the Ruby Empire, you did spend a reasonable amount of time within Dal'Thala as your father traveled for work.
  • You are of the Imperial Bloodline and will carry the surname Shinjitsu with the initial 'S.'. Though, your surname will officially be Irontail.
  • You have nephilim ancestry. ( Gala, Enarr, Mortyl, Chireus )
  • You were raised under the Fourfold Path, though you were not pushed strongly towards religion and free to find your way. Your mother had a strong secondary pursuit in Yueliang and fate.
  • You are the oldest of your siblings.
  • You will spawn in 2142AC. 
You may reach out to @fanafan74 if you're interested in this Emporium. There will likely be one or two chosen, though more may be considered down the line.
Please have some patience with the responses as I might be out of power for a few days with the coming hurricane!

The apps are still open! There is a week until these children spawn, feel free to fill out the app or reach out to the discord provided.
Also, go look there.
And here.
All the slots for children have been filled(for this app, others remain open)! Though, feel free to keep applying and sending messages as in the years to come more will be picked from, I'm also open to adding more if any in particular have interesting ideas.
Though, that still leaves a single role to be filled.
[Image: radio4.png]

You are a magical beast that has been raised alongside the Irontail and Shuren youth, given the title 'Heavenly Beast'. You take the form of a mythical Sickle Weasel, yokai of Izhuran legend, the legendary Kamaitachi.
[Image: PECkNtL.png]
A sprite will be provided, love to Dandeli.
Continue to apply at the same place as above or within my DMs!
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