HibikiBarsburg exploration, finding Remenats of the artfical star
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Barsburg exploration, finding Remenats of the artfical star
after hitting another Roadbloack. the Artfical Star Regelus. seemingly Dorment in a state of ever changing, Nera took the mantle of Exploration once more to head towards the Ruins of teh famed city of Barsburg. to try and find any Parts or Infomation on the Artfical star wich was made there in hopes to aid and break the Stalmate wich Regelus is experincing
Goal: finding Something wich can aid Nera in Futher Resschering Artfical stars.
Attendees: Nera (either solo) (or + 2 others)
Risk: HCOI- LCOD ( we can talk about it)
Themes: History.  Artfical stars. maybe some Horror?
DM: Could be you ( contact hibiki_theai)
[Image: GJ9hrZiaIAA3XGy?format=png&name=360x360]
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