Allow me to show you this;

Quote:Lax Essence Ingredients:
 Venom (x1), Cylion (x2) 
Energy: 100 
"Found on any competent surgeon's shelf; a powerful pain reliever. Effects of temporary injuries are reduced by 50% for 24 hours." Boost: None 


Reed Bowl Ingredients:
 Wood (x2), Soothing Reed (x2), Fire Crystal (x2) Energy: 100 
"A pipe full of soothe reed, halves the effect of any temporary injuries taken for 24 hours." Boost: None
Two items, one in Tier 5, one in Tier 3. Do the exact same thing according to the description. Please fix or adjust reed bowl to be better than its t5 counter part that does the exact same thing. It sucks because it's one of the 4 potions in Tier 3, and doesn't stack up to the usefulness of the other 3 potions (Mana Amnesia, Rage and Genderswap) which all do something that effects your verbing or RP. 

My suggestion:

Quote:Reed Bowl Ingredients:
 Wood (x2), Soothing Reed (x2), Fire Crystal (x2) Energy: 100 
"A pipe full of soothe reed, Effects of temporary injuries are reduced by 75% for 24 hours ." Boost: -5 agi.

If you're stoned you're stoned.

Another suggestion perhaps that may be easier to implement and makes more sense is:

Quote:Swap the two tiers of recepies. 

Put Reed Bowl in Tier 5.
Put Lax Essence in Tier 3.

Why this makes sense in my head: As a beginner alchemist you don't know how to best use your ingredients, so a simple numbing agent makes you use expensive ingredients. As you progress through your alchemy skills, you find out that mushrooms hold numbing/healing properties and can use those instead. It would make sense for a beginner alchemist to use an item called 'soothing reed' to try and sooth things at the beginning of their journey. It would also make it rewardable to get to T3 Alchemy. 

Thank you.
I would like to bump this.
Reed Bowl should halve the vit nerf of an injury you receive, and Lax Essence reduces the duration of an injury by half. These aren't necessarily the same, but I can see how similar they are not being too interesting.
Thanks for the clarification.
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