(09-01-2022, 04:12 PM)SilkiyTea Wrote: Now that chocolate is an ingredient, make it stack like sugar. Please. God.

Nerf muffins. I've seen +18 vitality muffins, and I've heard of muffins that almost reach +30 vitality (Only heard tho.) Why is this the same muffin from TFS's dragonball Z abridged. I'm spamming the muffin button. I've already got 63 sugar caps for sugar and 41 cacao for chocolate.

There's nothing too special about muffins, it's a 550 energy item that gives up to 2 vit as a bonus stat, then the other modifiers on top of that.

Chocolate now stacks.

Here are the level bonuses for those curious, at the bottom of the code file:
Ignore the commented out code (agi_bonus, mana_bonus, etc), that's the old system.
8 stamina = 1 vitality.
(09-01-2022, 04:50 PM)chance Wrote:
(09-01-2022, 04:12 PM)SilkiyTea Wrote: Now that chocolate is an ingredient, make it stack like sugar. Please. God.

Nerf muffins. I've seen +18 vitality muffins, and I've heard of muffins that almost reach +30 vitality (Only heard tho.) Why is this the same muffin from TFS's dragonball Z abridged. I'm spamming the muffin button. I've already got 63 sugar caps for sugar and 41 cacao for chocolate.

There's nothing too special about muffins, it's a 550 energy item that gives up to 2 vit as a bonus stat, then the other modifiers on top of that.

Chocolate now stacks.

Here are the level bonuses for those curious, at the bottom of the code file:
Ignore the commented out code (agi_bonus, mana_bonus, etc), that's the old system.
8 stamina = 1 vitality.

Muffins may not be too special, but I do feel as though they put everything else to shame-- In a few days when Eggs will be spammed as much as every other ingredient, they'll be the new standard as Spaghetti was.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: sl671wm.png]

Personally I just think Rainbow Rolls and Crab Plates should be slightly stronger, they do require player interaction to make (Usually) and are on average (if you don't fish yourself since it spends energy you could be using cooking or farming..) much more expensive to attain than the ingredients for a Muffin-- A Muffin is laughable easy in comparison once Eggs become common (Which they will, everyone just built a bunch of coops).

Please give the fish dishes some love!!

This is a Fish Soup with exclusively high quality ingredients and a normal Muffin slam dunks it still:
[Image: hqbDuZt.png]

Edit: Cooking is at 75 for all dishes
[Image: unknown.png]
Discord: Madsen#4678
Food balance was the real enemy all along.
There will always be a specific food that wins out over all the others and is the only one that gets made. Garden Tea (or rainbow rolls if you were a loyal Lung customer) was that in Esshar. Muffins may as well be it for Meranthe.
Maybe we need a diabetes mechanic to counteract how thick with vitality muffins are making people.

In seriousness I think having a variety of appealing food isn't difficult (& it's already true to an extent). Just needs a few more tweaks.
Looking forward to the nutrition mechanic where we have to eat a balanced diet or develop scurvy and lose our toes.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
(09-01-2022, 05:20 PM)StarMann Wrote: Looking forward to the nutrition mechanic where we have to eat a balanced diet or develop scurvy and lose our toes.

lemon and orange meta, at last
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
apple tree's drop rate could use a bump
[Image: ascellachibi2.png]
add in a confirmation menu when placing buildings so i dont have to ticket everytime i do something dumb
I noticed that Dal'thala gets its own settlement name stating that it's Delphina's capital, but Grimhjall is just dubbed Vdalion (Aphros gets a pass because they're pulling a Rome with their capital name).

But I think it would be neat to have all capitals have their own title. That way it would help build that feel that the nation is larger than their starting city.
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