why the fuck are unarmed gloves not the weapon that gives -weight? how is a tome lighter than my hands? it's like none of you ever lifted a book even though i KNOW you all had backpacks to go to school, but ya'll never had backpacks for your mittens i bet.

give unarmed weapons -weight instead of this silly +10 crit that will impact 1 spell every 4 battles
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Add the ability to briefly lock the hotbar (inclusive of quick swap slots) for those who might be looking to fight using movement + mouse please!
This might be a fun addition for those who're used to certain games and find it hard to adjust due to the preset hotkeys.

Probably suggested 150123891203912309 times but the ability to modify all hotkeys inclusive of WASD.
As a fellow Clickverber, there actually is a method currently in game. Typing /lockhotbar allows for what you desire, as for the alternative keybinds I suggest swapping the block to E and your Attack Gem's to R with run rebound to Z.

May the odds be ever in your favor.
For the unarmed rework, i suggest also update unarmed spells desc, The tree actual desc and give more lore/context or update towards how it works since actual one is just... to vague.

 [Image: image.png]
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Please let us select a prop's layer (custom or not) after choosing it from the menu, rather than choosing the layer on upload. I know there's an option to edit being added, but I don't want to have to upload four different versions of a prop for different functions.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
In injuries, an added category of 'Date' to help keep track of when you have gotten each injury.


Name: "Headshot"
Desc: Add in a description here
Inflictor: Attacker's name
Nerf: -5 VIT
Date: 28/12/2022
Allow you to rent houses under disguises, and not your real name!
It'd be cool if only the landlords could see the name of renters rather than just anyone. With everyone else just seeing the name of the landowning guild.
Greatly reduce or even completely remove energy cost of filling a pit. (Energy cost of digging a pit is okay)

Why it's good for game: let's say you have dug out a pit looking for a worm. Pits look bad on map. This change will motivate players to keep landscape tidy and clean. (hiding items in pits is rarely used, if ever)
Spell: faith champion (y know the actual name)

Suggestion: radiants that one of the faith anoints champion. Champion gets x number of faith each day, x amount of raw dr, age dr dont effect the champion. Amount of faith detects how much the said effects will be high.

(heres some idea for faith champion. Dunno if it is fixed or worked over)
[Image: 8447537e60826129953a2c945c27680d.png]
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