This -still- isn't funny
So before the change to crystal, I put this as I thought what the change to Crystal would be:

[Image: 58343a202b4601c96b5f91ee5359ef68.png]

And then the change happend:

[Image: 7d781a3f6c3bfd5ed610b4b819b38388.png]


Come on. I don't think someone is trolling. I think there is just -something- like someone whispering in someones ear. 

So you mean to tell me, someone thought, that shardshot should stay as one of, if not the best homings in the game. Ontop of that, one of the -only- homings in the game. That is now even more guarnteed with the range increase. The cooldown isnt as serious simply because its so -assured- it will happen. Its value is even more, and thats how pvp should be approached, -value-.

2 second increase? Are you serious? There are -multiple- shards on the ground. Now, there is a -slight- cycle to them. This is the same logic behind Blood shard being nerfed. It doesnt matter, because people have other abitliies to use, and the CD is so low, this very minor change means almost nothing. 

The -red- crystal was changed? -And- buffed. Looking at this, makes me see the point of view, of whoever group of people is in charge of balance. Lets not talk about how they are looking at the wrong crystal to begin with, but the fact he was -buffed- ontop of that.

Like this-- Im not saying is trolling. Im just saying, looking at this makes me see now how the balance team or person thinks. It speaks volume to the outside understanding of not only the game made here, but their own perception.
the changes were fine (perhaps overkill poor shardshot but i guess most openers suck so join the club)

what shocks me is no aura nerfs...
Lose again to hated? Making a THIRD post about crystal maybe you should try using a better build yourself? Tongue
pray return to the waking sands.
Lets see how fast this one gets locked ^-^
Sounds like we need to make a salt magic tree.

It's ok Rod, it'll all be alright. Just breathe in, and then breathe out.
Speaking about the shardshot range: Pre-TS, it may be homing, but you could dash out of the range, which is what I did against a crystal user I sparred with, so it was never an assured ability (in fact, thanks to shardshot's slow speed movement, I was able to get out of the way most of the time)
Not sure if that is still feasible now that the range was increased though, so will have to check when the chance comes for it.

Also, while I believe I should write it down as its own topic later on: Please, stop spamming the topic with unrelated comments

This does not help anyone, and only serves to further cause imbalance in the future, with either people fearing to mention their opinions (which they are allowed to have) in fear of their topics/opinions being drowned by comments, or just simply being unable to properly balance things out with everyone spamming about it the moment questions about a possible nerf/buff are brought up.
this won't stop anyone, it's just a rod5 thread...

so here are some warnings: rod, be less abrasive in your posts. you're reaching that point again

as for the rest of you, stop shitposting.
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