~Aoria-sama~Change the fishing system!
Honestly, it kind of miffs me that I spend so much energy just to catch one fish.
I feel like if the amount of energy spent won't change, maybe give more of a chance to catch more than one fish per cast.
Or like, lower the amount of energy per cast.
Super frustrating.
[Image: OzJetPV.jpg]
make fishing worth it for all the catgirls of this world
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
I'll combine here all suggestions about fishing, which I find reasonable:
1. Make fishishing a proper skill, like farming. As you make progress with fishing, energy cost should lower (from 100 energy to 75 energy, or even 50).
2. Add different types of fishing rods. For example, a rod from Orchilacum could decrease fishing energy cost by 12% (making it 88% of original), and rod from Tyrium decreases it by 24% (Making cost as 76% of original).
3. Don't force player press X when it's time to pull the rod back, since it does not work well. Make it possible to get a yield by clicking on exclamation mark icon.

make fishing worth it for all the farmboys of this world
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