Add horses in. When you ride your horse, you move at the speed of like, twister or something. Horses have 1000 energy! And like people, they burn energy when they run around. However. unlike people, they do not passively regain energy. When your horse runs out of energy they throw you off their back and respawn back at their stable.

You can purchase a stable add on to your house. You have to own a house, to own a horse. A stable add on costs 3000 coins, flat. You go up to your stable and give your horse food to regenerate it's energy.
My discord is Vi#6600
Uri The Horse Thief Approves.
[Image: 4d082f08ab5469bb88b36739a3025a92.png] [Image: 9d2621a7e25eb7454f3e987fd7d940b6.png]
Everyone Steal A Horse! They Can't Stop All of Us!
As someone who has made the only sprite that has ever 'Mounted' anything

It's possible.

Maybe not worth the hassle, but its possible.
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