House Maintenance
You're supposed to pay 50 coins/ day in advance, or else you can get evicted out of house; it doesn't subtract automatically even if you have the money, it just evicts you if you forgot to pay up for your house.

It's annoying because you have to make it back to your house and keep paying up. It should either automatically substract (if you have 50+ coins), or warn you that you're falling into debt - and give you 5 days max to pay it off or something, just in case you happen to have less than 50 coins at the time.

Paying for a house is several thousands and not everyone has that, plus you lose your mapped interior and it sucks. At least make the system warn you, take money automatically (better yet, if you click on house icon in your inventory while outside, you should be able to pay like that), or let you have 5 days debt if you fall to 0 balance (up to -250 to pay off).

Or all of suggestions above.
This can be especially disheartening if you suddenly lose your chest filled with stuff!
PLEASE make the option for automatic deductions!
Yeah, I lost track on mine and had thought I was paid up more. Whole house was demolished and destroyed those fat loots. This would be a lifesaver for many.
you guys make it sound like such a chore to run back to your house... its your house, shouldnt you be there at least sometimes anyways?

I think giving people 5 days of bonus time on their already late rent is a bit much... especially if someone else is waiting to buy that property you are going delinquent on... maybe 5 days for you to pay up but in that time its buyable by someone else?
(12-06-2019, 07:52 PM)Lorelai Wrote: you guys make it sound like such a chore to run back to your house... its your house, shouldnt you be there at least sometimes anyways?

I think giving people 5 days of bonus time on their already late rent is a bit much... especially if someone else is waiting to buy that property you are going delinquent on... maybe 5 days for you to pay up but in that time its buyable by someone else?

I'm in my house constantly.
But I've been embroiled in RPs and Scenes lately that I forgot to pay my house.

Thankfully, I already paid for 1 month, but it was 3 days oocly that i'd forgotten to pay on it.

It's that people get really INTO the game. The aspect of paying rent is great and I love it, ensures unused houses will eventually be freed. BUT. I think something that like, auto takes from your coins in your pocket would be a better fix.

Overdue rent fees would suck no thankz
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
(12-06-2019, 07:52 PM)Lorelai Wrote: you guys make it sound like such a chore to run back to your house... its your house, shouldnt you be there at least sometimes anyways?

I think giving people 5 days of bonus time on their already late rent is a bit much... especially if someone else is waiting to buy that property you are going delinquent on... maybe 5 days for you to pay up but in that time its buyable by someone else?

So you can Either A.) Dump vast sums of money into your house maintenance fund when you might need or want that money for something else and can't take it back out...

Or B.) Get to enjoy the experience of losing your house because you ended up working late OOC and fell into bed rather than logging on to manually pay your virtual rent to an OOC system programmed into your door rather than due to actual IC events.

To put this into perspective. Imagine if you had to log in and manually push a button every so often or else your inventory is wiped. All your items gone. Sure it's not hard, but if something comes up OOC, you shouldn't be punished for a pet getting sick, or a family emergency, or for our younger players being forced into some sort of family get together.

There's all kinds of legit reasons for Eternia to take a back burner and it doesn't make one lick of sense to punish people for OOC events or force them to expend a ton of effort to guard against them.
I personally dump 3 days at a time. There's a lot of concern here for 'preserving someone's ownership' at the cost of others who might be looking for an opportunity to purchase someone else's property. If you aren't keeping up with maintenance, that's an opportunity for someone else to get a property that you've been hogging. So I don't think it's entirely fair to the person with all the ambition for the sake of the person who's being... Difficult?

If you don't want to dump money because you like to hold onto your money incase you want to buy something, then you run the risk of losing your home because you essentially pay when you're on 'final notice' all the time. But if you dump all your money and now you can't buy that shiny new weapon in the shop-- at least you have a home? I mean there's a middle ground between dumping all your money and not dumping your money.

Also your example of not logging in to pay is a subject of you doing the former strategy, and if you aren't online there isn't an inventory to draw money from anyways.

Also, I imagine trying to get a home to reference your atom, wherever it may be in the world, x 100, on a constant loop every time rent needs to be collected... It just seems laggy.
Once other priorities are taken care of, we'll have a big, red notification on log in, that tells you your property has less than 48 hours of maintenance left. It'll also inform helpers.
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