ChanceDM Chance
Key/Character: mouse
Which Event: Star Reaper

Responsiveness: 10/10. Probably the fastest I've ever had any DM respond to our emotes, even when there wasn't much to go off of.
Balance: If I learned anything from Tee, it's that NPCs are DUMMY strong. Good fights all around(maybe a bit easy? hehe) except for the murder birds. 
Storytelling: Cool stuff, cool character. That fucking centipede was absolutely horrifying.
Fairness: At

Overall: yeah it was okay i guess

Any other comments: give me 20 rpp for what i did at the end coward
Key/Character: Esmeraude yeehaw/Henrietta Monroe
Which Event: Star Reaper.
Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Very quick and good at keeping everyone involved, there wasn't a time I felt like I was left waiting for a long time. The only negative would be the time we started, but that isn't really your fault when people coming to the event can only do it late. 10/10.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Each encounter felt balanced, and not overwhelming at all. It felt like we could beat each boss fairly, but still have a chance at falling to its barrage of attacks. On top of it being fair, it was very visually pleasing and felt insane. The final boss was such a great experience and would have made an amazing video/gif for people to see. Despite the spam of spells, it wasn't overwhelming at all and fun. 10/10
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): It certainly was an adventure, with someone to drop us off at our location with information gathered and payment. And multiple encounters that made us think about what we wanted to do, on top of a moment where we could have walked by and continued but decided to take action which leads to a 'true ending' to our adventure. 10/10
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Yes, the nerfing system for falling felt completely fair. People fell and rolled, and the loss of vit stacked which could have lead to an eventual perm. Even if luck was on our side, things could have gone south if we didn't do our best to remain standing during these boss fights. 10/10
Overall: 10/10, one of the best events I have been on. The setting was perfect, and the enemies encountered fit each stage of the event. With the character development added on top of it all, I felt like everyone got a moment where they could have shined. (If only Tiernay didn't get the last hit on all the bosses, and took our ultimate spotlight away...)
Any other comments: Fear. [Image: unknown.png] [Image: unknown.png]
Key/Character: Vriska
Which Event: Star Reaper

Responsiveness: Very fast, engaging responses based on what we did too so they weren't pre-typed.
Balance: I fucking ate shit to NPCs and that was extremely, horribly embarrassing. But the EC fights were very fun with some wild combos that made it feel like playing Touhou or like, Undertale... It felt like they had set "moves" that they would occasionally do, like a real RPG boss rather than a typical RPB fight. It made the fights really unique and pretty fun, like there was a clear strategy you could follow in order to win instead of just a random button smash fight.
Storytelling: I said it earlier, but it felt like the story was actually tailored to our actions and characters rather than a set path which was cool. I felt like there were a lot of moments where it was easy to step forward and sort of have your character do something cool, and it felt pretty easy for all of us to influence the way the story went. Even though it wasn't technically my event, I never felt like background flavor.
Fairness: It was pretty basic roll system, but we weren't asking for all that much and it was mostly just a story-based event. We also rolled really well so it's hard to say, but most people got downed at least once. For what we asked for it was definitely fair.

Overall: I honestly laughed quite a lot during this event (mostly at the combat, where it was genuinely pretty funny to watch everyone else get assaulted by meteors). I don't really participate in a lot of events so I'm probably not the best judge, but I had fun. I never felt too bored, and it felt more like RPing in a scene with some flavor around rather than going through the typical motions of an event.

Any other comments: Where's my obligatory event arcanium
[Image: ctSHS4b.png]
Key/Character:Cetta Amor
Which Event: The Frozen Wyrm

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):11
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)11


Any other comments: Very fun event, each battle had it's oh shit moments, the maps fit the story being told extremely well, and considering the huge variance in peoples RPL on the event, the difficulty and fairness was perfect.
Key/Character: Avajain/Ulyssa
Which Event: Dragontales with Khione

Responsiveness: So fast... 10/10
Balance: Cute battles...golem...drgn... 10/10
Storytelling: it was a cute story!!!!!!! i hated it it made me sad : ( 10/10
Fairness: Chance is a merciful god. 10/10

Overall: 5/7, full marks!!!!!!

Any other comments: ty for b ringing babby on event........
Key/Character: Pin Head/Sparrow
Which Event: Dragontales with Khione

Responsiveness: Super speedy. 10/10
Balance: The fight against the dragon was glorious, as was the battle against the golem. Awesome job. 10/10
Storytelling: 10/10 Ascending a mountain in order to find some goobers who attacked a dragon was swell. Plus... There was a rather sad twist that transpired during it. My heart... </3 10/10
Fairness: Everything seemed super fair to me. No one was horrifically maimed, and we walked out with some bitchin' loot. 10/10

Overall: 10/10 A lovely time!

Any other comments: That dragon sprite was amazing. I'm a big fan of it.
Which Event: The Frozen Wyrm

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):10/10 Everything was expedient and quick.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 11/10 I really liked the mob battle first, and I can't stress this enough, spamming the right spells. I hate being barraged by a singular spammed homing/aoe by an EC because it's basically impossible to avoid, I really enjoyed the fights overall and appreciate the general balance.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):11/10 I really liked the little twist at the end, and the tie-in into the world plot.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)10/10 Most of us surprisingly rolled really well, but the rewards were well worth.


Any other comments: Very fun event, each battle had it's oh shit moments, the maps fit the story being told extremely well, and considering the huge variance in peoples RPL on the event, the difficulty and fairness was perfect.
Key/Character: Hades Task
Which Event: The Frozen Wyrm // The End of Time

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10, took all of our actions into account. (Even my jojo sex pistols rengeki break attack)
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10/10 The fights were really fun. I appreciate that as dr babies we didn't get 1-2 shot, and were able to contribute.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):10/10 THAT PLOT TWIST got me. I would have never guessed that obelisk the tormentor was Faithry's father.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)10/10 Getting a reward for an event we got put on last minute was awesome.

Overall: 40/40

Any other comments: Really looking forward to more Barsburg Events in the near future.
If you have any ideas for an event, feel free to send it my way. I'm mainly looking to run faction wide stuff right now, that encourages significant interactions after the fact. My usual slot will be on the weekend but I'm open to mid-week events too. Typically if an idea doesn't hook me I'll at least come up with my event lines and might try to involve you if possible.
Key/Character: MelonBallZ/Murtock Reave
Which Event: The Manors Depths

Responsiveness: Extremely swift, waited on everyone, felt like things were pre-typed to keep a narrative going, but still accounted for the unique magics and actions of the players.
Balance: The battles were fun and fair. It never felt impossible and though I knew I was walking right into a trap it turned out to be so, so worth it.
Storytelling: Absolutely on point. The story was fun, filled with lore, but also had enough comic relief to earn a few laughs. My favorite part is that Murtock was not expected to give the bottle of wine over, but as per his IC when he did- It was rewarded with a hidden subquest. Extremely worthwhile.
Fairness: I feel like even though I sacrificed something that might have brought coin in-character it was the unexpected route and earned something really interesting instead. Other than that the battle balance was good so whatever wounds would have been dished out were appropriate to the level of challenge of the bosses.

Overall: Very enjoyable event, worth the way. Would happily attend an event since it hit all the notes I hope to see when going on an event. Light-hearted jokes, serious narrative, lore aplenty, attentiveness to players, fun battles against crazy monster icons, and sweet loot at the end.
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