Jumpyjumpy syndrome
Rhoynish battle cry sort of sucks.
It takes a slot.
It's not GCDE.
It lost its icon.
It doesn't hehehehehe anymore.

Buff it by making enemies in close range lose their temporary buffs (crystal buffs, speed up, shadowalk, etc.) when you scream.
It'd be stronger.
Maybe too strong.
But at least it wouldn't completely useless on some builds / against some builds.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
i'll make it gcde, and see what's up with the sprite

edit: battle cry was already gcde
first sfx buffs on sound, now vfx buffs on racials
foolish e3 players will know my might
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
can we make rhoynish battle cry's icon a yellow exclamation point like how most hiddens are a yellow question mark
adding so many sounds to sound was the single most chaotic change to this game and i fucking resent it
please let people with rhoynur race upload a midi or something mp3 so they can personalize their battle cry

just no porn sounds tho, I don't need a rager mid fight
i changed battle cry so you can activate it even while GCD is active (instead of having to wait after). that'll be noted in the next patch but i thought i'd mention it here
if you could do that for shadow walk too....
*Glances towards water's cleanse*

What are the chances that can get the same "can activate even while in GCD" treatment?
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