LoganMelee weapons are weird
Melee weapons are weird right now.

Seems like we're still using the old stats on weapons for Spires. Since right now, there's a huge disparity between a melee weapon, and staffs. Which was a relic from having two separate stats for power.

Here's a few examples:

Starter weapon for melee (Aka it has a sword sprite)
[Image: unknown.png]

Starter weapon for mages (Aka a staff)
[Image: unknown.png]

And here's the level 40 weapons for comparison.

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]

Right now you're better off using a staff as a melee fighter. Can the weapons just be given the same stats with different icons? If the difference in stats was intentional because of Fighting Styles, then staves need to be made unusable with melee skills.

Also, don't get me started on the Broadsword...
[Image: unknown.png]
Broadsword mad OP, tbh.
You aren't seeing it in those shop descriptions at the moment, but melee weapons give a bonus stat:

[Image: 2MaJ4PM.png]

This acts +force, but specifically for the Armed tree. 

So let's look at a basic melee build while taking the secondary stat into account:

[Image: 6OiQr4V.png]

The following spells benefit from +phys: Dash Strike, Sweeping Cleave, Fatal Strike, Powersmash, and Phantom Strike. They're getting +35 power from the weapon rather than +15.

So I'll likely be toning the melee weapons down a bit, but I won't be making them mage replicas. The reason I've not adjusted them yet is a lot of melee spells still don't scale with +phys (which I'm working on fixing). A little later today I'll be posting a template for people to apply for their own signature weapons with custom sprites and whatnot, though, and those can scale solely to power if desired.
That's probably the reason for the Broadsword not showing anything. Makes sense, though.
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