From the first batch of Mimics, many have died. There aren't that many left around and a good few have succumb to afk or death.
To me, Mimics seem like 'weaker' humans. Compared to other races they don't have too much going on when it comes to racial abilities and the like. Let me break it down for you:
 A pointless cosmetic ability that makes you into a blob. 
[Image: 1e8fd04fd3cdfd55a080255997a50230.png]

 Nice to have, but it's not really that big of a deal. Most things through telepathy can be achieved through directed whispers. (unless you want to be more subtle) 
[Image: 9b28e5a54f7fe86b457703d8a09f6acf.png]

Ichorous Missile:
-I think the ability is pretty good. I won't lie. But it doesn't compare much to other racial abilities. 
-Teraphim: Have a heal + AP boost. A teleport. 
-Draknites: One of the best base auras in the game. 
-Rhoynish: Cleanse + CC immunity. (As well as x2 AP)
-Demons: 10 free stats on Kaor. (A huge power boost before Kaor) (x3 AP)
-Most other races also have cost related perks which Mimics lack.
All the other races seem to have something special about their ability that actually makes you want to go that race. Mimics have a projectile, that is slightly better than the others from (Ice,Poison, Blood etc)
[Image: b067896ae01e4c73d074b44af56ad37a.png]

True Mimickry:
-This spell is meant to serve as the draw of Mimics. But it truly barely matters. Firstly, we are told not to use it till RPL 200 because of how it bugs stats if you gain BL/RPP while mimicing someone. You will LOSE stat points if you revert.
-This spell has a chance of applying a perm on the person you use it on. Hence, discouraging people to use it on their allies.
-If you wish to use it on an enemy you have to Capture (Beat them in a danger? It's unclear), with your inherent disadvantages.
[Image: 1dae59b085342d5a80c1704414be109f.png]

Ice Weakness:
-Ontop of being a race that doesn't really benefit from any racials, you also get -25% DR to all ice damage. Now, Ice magic is not that vastly used but I feel like this just adds insult to injury. This alone, can render a mimic completely useless if facing an ice user. (Take for example Cho Vs Effigy)
[Image: 963dc16a73f394f1c115b07f00963f3f.png]

Quote:I think mimics were somewhat rushed and not planned through properly. They are riddled with bugs that most of us can't report about without showing who we are to the general population. (Since most mimics are in hiding). They are not competitive compared to other races. While the sin-magic thing is nice, I feel like it was vastly underused and we weren't given much information about it besides "You are naturally attuned to one of them." The Teraphim are attuned to wayfinding and crystal magic which is both shown in their racials and race perks. It seems a little unfinished and rushed. Mimics, creatures brought here by the will of the dark lord gets nothing. Demons get free occult. Mimics get... Ice weakness! 

Some suggestions that I would like to make to the Mimic Racial tree:
- Make True Mimicky an rpl 200 spell. You cannot use it till you are a powerful mimic. This makes it harder to bug your stats. Doesn't have a chance to perm, rather inflicts a -10 vit perm for 1 day that is unhealable. 
- Remove Ice Weakness
- I'm no good with making up abilities or stats, but maybe at RPL 180 mimics can choose to attune to one of the 7 sins. Maybe sin 0.5 buffs. Much weaker than v1 but still there. Maybe just some passive stat bonus that goes away when you mimic someone. 

Tl;dr - Mimics feel like a race that is inferior to humans with no real advantages. Every race has something on you, be it stats or better racials. I like the idea of mimics and am enjoying my time playing one. Yet they seem to lose right out the gate, with bugged skills that are meant to be the appeal of the race, and the only race that has -pow to a tree for no apparent reason. 

--Please reply with your own suggestions on how they can be improved.
+ Mimic's Ice Weakness: It has been a thing since Eternia Prologue and fits with them being a mass of acidic ooze that can freeze and shatter with ease.

+Revert: Good for reveals, playing pranks, or lurking in places and hunting people down, without ousting one of your disguises.

+Telepathy: Really nice. Good for secret planning in the middle of crowded places, and I'm guessing you can use it deceptively and not reveal who you are icly while using it.

+Ichorous Missle: No opinion. It's new to me.

+True Mimicry: Best to use AT 200 RPL, to be honest. It's been bug ridden for a long time, and fixes for it have been numerous. This one may take time to fix, as it appears to be complex. /shrug


Mimic lore on Esshar is new to me. But, if there's a tie to sin magic it's likely because the original lore involves millions of souls during a plague mashed together after a meteorite and them being the embodiment of those unfulfilled souls. It's a fluff thing, and to my knowledge, just makes me believe that mimics are as unstable, insane, and overly emotionally driven as they were in Eternia Prologue.

Yes, racial/combat wise they're not as strong as any of the other 200 RPL races. But you know what makes them so, so stupidly immensely powerful? The thing that makes them the perfect usurpers, the perfect rebels, the perfect type for espionage, deceit, so on and so fourth...

Correct me if I'm wrong, or if it's been changed but...

If this race can still shapeshift without stealing someone's form, then they're far more powerful than any race on the market. Not combat wise, but with the options and opportunities they have. Just app for a few disguised names, and play a merry-go-round, RP with a different faction as a different face at any given moment.

On Spires, I did this. I had Boyle who was a mimic, Vivira (If I remember the name right) who was a mimic, a mimic that pretended to be a Sarradian, and then she went on to Gehenna as a Sirenian.

On Eternia Prologue, my Mimic assassinated a King of Frostvale while pretending to be the daughter to his dead wife, an illegitimate heir. It worked with many nations, fought in a war under a guise, etc, etc.

Mimic's don't need to be combat-wise powerful. It's not their forte, they're built for lying, deceit, and almost never revealing who they are. And I personally believe nothing needs to be fixed for them. (Unless they're not allowed to shapeshift freely. Then by all means...)


To further elaborate. Unless, again, UNLESS it's been changed..

A mimic rarely has to face the consequences of their actions. Any other race, has to. No disguise for any other race is perfect, but a mimic's can be. I doubt people are brave enough to RP inconsistency with the shapeshifted forms or little things that promote an 'uncanny valley' sort of vibe. Kudos if you do. But, the point is.

All other races: If they do something big, bad, or good, have to roll with the punches.

Mimics: Can run away, and pick another side to meddle in, and try to get people that may have hated their previous rendition.. To fix the problems they themselves have caused. Or just to cause chaos.

And if that isn't the most overpowered mechanic to have at your disposal, then I'm not sure what is!

Edit: Made a few minor corrections.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
I appreciate everything you have pointed out Dimmie. Although while mimics have potential, I think giving them a weakness to a certain magic is excessive. I think with just that removal alone people will actually play the race. Perhaps weaker racials make sense in that regard, but 25% is too much. If someone is a good verber at has ice your chances of victory plunge to almost zero. Perhaps a reduction to 10% would be best. It's still there, but not as much.

Other than that, I also see great potential in mimics. I hope to achieve something with my own. Also when we created we were told that shifting our base form is not allowed. Although perhaps that is something that can be apped for to have multiple base forms.
(07-06-2020, 07:52 PM)Alex Wrote: I appreciate everything you have pointed out Dimmie. Although while mimics have potential, I think giving them a weakness to a certain magic is excessive. I think with just that removal alone people will actually play the race. Perhaps weaker racials make sense in that regard, but 25% is too much. If someone is a good verber at has ice your chances of victory plunge to almost zero. Perhaps a reduction to 10% would be best. It's still there, but not as much.

Other than that, I also see great potential in mimics. I hope to achieve something with my own.  Also when we created we were told that shifting our base form is not allowed. Although perhaps that is something that can be apped for to have multiple base forms.

Then it might've been changed. Which in turn, makes the thematic of being a mimic absolutely pointless.

Keep what they've got now, and give them the ability to shapeshift recklessly, as they should.

Freeform shapeshift has and always will be the appeal to mimics. If you don't have it, then the race is just as you said. A nerfed version of a human. 

I always will believe that a mimic who doesn't have multiple forms, is squandering the entire point, fun, and theme of a mimic! The only ones that should be stuck with a singular form is the.. Original ones, which a friend of mine explained to me from my long absence, had taken form of fallen heros/villains. Aka, the ones that were the equivalent to Eternia Prologue's EC driven Dopplegangers. Which are 'Mimic Commanders' that take the imprint of a fallen (or living) hero based and driven on a vice they may have had in life.


Though, I did apply for freeform shapeshifting on Eternia Prologue...
Which turned out to be pointless at the time since every mimic was shapeshifting anyway and I was the only one that apped for it, to my knowledge.

But yeah. Really. What's the point of RPing a Shadow that's desperately trying to emulate humanity, if said shadow can't go through multiple renditions in its vain attempt to perfect what it is to be 'Human'.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
For reference, this is the instructions we were given.

[Image: 203b808b9b7e0417e38ff0f9efd2ecc8.png]
(07-06-2020, 08:41 PM)Alex Wrote: For reference, this is the instructions we were given.

[Image: 203b808b9b7e0417e38ff0f9efd2ecc8.png]

How sad.


And that isn't sarcasm. It is legitimately sad. Sometimes emotions are hard to convey in text, and I could not think of anything else to say in response. Other than it's sad, and upsets me.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
Perfect shapeshifting is achievable through an application, but no, making into a RB race should not make you a god of trickery who's super hard to deal with from an OOC standpoint and not just IC. And it isn't hard just for players either. Shapeshifting (the full version of it, at least) is not something that is given as easily as it was in the past, and that's fine.

As for mimics themselves: I don't disagree about them feeling somewhat underwhelming. They have cool IC, but in terms of mechanics, they're probably the least appealing. I wouldn't suggest a sin-spell though because that's not meant to be so common. The ice weakness should be taken out. No race, and I mean -no race- has a drawback and it isn't fair to add one here because 'uhm... legacy! that's how they were in the past!'. They're magical creatures. Ice should not hurt them more than it hurts a normal magi.

In a perfect world, True Mimickry would also be fixed but it's way too bugged to ever happen, so yeah. Just wait for when you're 200 to use it.
[Image: trio.png]
(07-06-2020, 09:03 PM)Prestige Wrote: In a perfect world, True Mimickry would also be fixed but it's way too bugged to ever happen, so yeah. Just wait for when you're 200 to use it Confusedhrug:
it's a priority atm and should be good by the end of the month (if not sooner). the spell is being remade, more or less, so it's pretty involved is all
apparently this is a perfect world and we're in the right timeline after all
[Image: trio.png]
I would like to also ask if it's possible to have True Mimicry's perm chance reduced or removed. I understand that stealing someone's identity is risky, but perming them just seems meh. Please...

"I have your form AND you're permed."

If it's a prisoner? Cool cripple the prisoner more I guess...

If it's an ally? Cool cripple them because... idk...

A temp like Blessing would be make more sense. (A temp on the MIMIC, not the person being mimic'd... Like 10- vit for 24 hours. unhealable)

(Sorry I wrote that on my phone. It made no sense)

Please help no perm...
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