HoovykingShadow Cannon
Hi friends, 

Recently I've applied and received Shadow Cannon, an occult hidden that was rated as a master-level hidden. It's gone through quite a few changes since I've had it, and I want to highlight what I think should be some changes to even it out, as I think that in its current state the hidden is underwhelming. 

First, base stats.

[Image: 399a08b7374dfc4aed2b40094abcb8c1.png]

Here are the stats of the spell currently. 
[Image: 9d4339ee01415d4ebb849247e161cc97.png]

The two problem areas of this spell are it's high cooldown, and it's lack of knockback/stun when it connects. The beam slows when it connects, but unless you manage to land a stun beforehand? It's very easy to dash out of now.

Damage-wise, it's comparable to orbs if you manage to land every tick. Unless you can get lucky and crit, then Shadow Cannon is basically orbs on a much larger cooldown and very unsafe to use. o



Respectfully, I'd think giving the beam some knockback and more damage would make it reasonable to app for. Having a wide beam doesn't help if that extra tile is only there to deal a additional tick as they dancer dash out of it. If it's going to have that 45 second cooldown, then it should do some considerable damage should you land it.

Otherwise, why use it over Occult Orbs?
the damage is a maximum of 9*3.5, which is 31.5 damage. it's 5 tiles wide and inflicts a slow while damaging iirc. at 300 MD it's hitting for 12-14k damage

'Otherwise, why use it over Occult Orbs?'

you shouldn't be choosing one or the other if you can have both. they're both good damage spells. usually having an extra on someone's hotbar would help rather than hurt them. it's not really a great argument to make at all because it's kind of like saying 'why do more damage overall when you could do less...?? why should i use piercing strike over orbs, or uh... flameslide?' it's comparing apples and oranges while ignoring that there's 10 slots on the hotbar rather than 1

though orb spells are certainly overtuned and it wouldn't be terrible if they were toned down some, probably, & maybe there are issues with shadow cannon but it certainly isn't the damage
(07-21-2020, 10:24 PM)chance Wrote: the damage is a maximum of 9*3.5, which is 31.5 damage. it's 5 tiles wide and inflicts a slow while damaging iirc. at 300 MD it's hitting for 12-14k damage

'Otherwise, why use it over Occult Orbs?'

you shouldn't be choosing one or the other if you can have both. they're both good damage spells. usually having an extra on someone's hotbar would help rather than hurt them. it's not really a great argument to make at all because it's kind of like saying 'why do more damage overall when you could do less...?? why should i use piercing strike over orbs, or uh... flameslide?' it's comparing apples and oranges while ignoring that there's 10 slots on the hotbar rather than 1

though orb spells are certainly overtuned and it wouldn't be terrible if they were toned down some, probably, & maybe there are issues with shadow cannon but it certainly isn't the damage

I'd like to reword my argument about what I think should be changed because I absolutely worded it wrong. 

I think that should the spell remain mechanically unchanged, that the cooldown should be decreased and the damage should be increased. This is keeping in mind how the spell works currently with how slow the beam takes to get out and how the slow impacts the opponent. 

Something that would be equally as good and a better change than my first suggestion for the spell would be to keep the damage and cooldown the same but give the spell knockback. In the current meta with Dancer, it's incredibly easy to dash out of the beam if you're not stunned beforehand. It would solve the issue of being locked down while casting for those two and a half seconds while keeping it in line with other beams. 

As for it's damage compared to Orbs? I agree. Orbs, in general, could see a nerf. They do a lot of damage especially when landing a stun beforehand.
Lower its CD? 45 is nuts for such a tame reward spell
yeah i'll likely lower the cd

it's the kind of spell that's difficult to judge without seeing it in action a lot, since it relies mostly on its consistency (which can vary)
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