CrystikRageCrystik DM
Key: why do I need to post this I'm crystik everyone knows who I am
Event Preferences: I'll take pretty much anything if I think it's interesting. I've run candy forests, archons exploring ancient ruins, angels being killed and gehennan spirit dances.
Other Notes: I'm a veteran of Spires DMing who has apparently never run an event in e3, so I'm posting here. My events tend to be more serious ones, with far reaching consequences, great glory and loot to be had, and of course extreme danger to overcome.

Are you currently running events, and if so, are you considering player requested events?: yes
Discord # or best means of contact: CrystikRage#3004
Key/Character: Nerdlord57/Haruki lux Taiyang
Which Event: The Shrine of the Radiant Daughter

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 , I didn't have to wait long for the event to keep going.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 10/10 , It's a 10/10 simply because we are low baby rpl and its hard to balance this. I had a whole lot of fun and I love a good set of trials.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10 , It really felt like the beginning of something huge.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 10/10 , honestly? I really like your policy with injuries! It makes me worry about it less and just focus on the fun and the story telling.

Overall: 10/10!

Any other comments: 10/10 would get all permed again.
Key/Character: Lifeom/Malakai
Which Event: The Shrine of the Radiant Daughter

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 , Quick replies and we didn't have to wait on responses at any time during the event.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 8/10, Admittedly we were all babies in RPL so balancing probably wasnt the easiest thing. He did what he could, given our levels.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10, It felt like the beginning of a story, and knowing there's (likely) more to come made it all the more interesting.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 8/10, The punishments were deserved and very fair, with the option to back out at any time, but the risk/reward ratio could've used a bit of work.

Overall: 8/10

Any other comments: Considering Crystik walked away with a limb from every single attendee, the rewards could've been increased a smidgen. Overall great event, and look forwards to the next part.
Character: Talacael Meztin
Which Event: Moxtli: - Caravan/Factory Raid

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 Extremely fast and he gave us plenty of time to reply in kind, the quality was top-tier too with no down time at all when it came between arcs.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 8/10 For our RPL, it was extremely challenging with actual risk involved. I admittedly felt bad for those who didn't have an invulnerable or those poor armed people, but overall the balance was fine and it proved to be challenging and rewarding for the fights.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10. I loved it. Starting from the caravan that held risks involved if we didn't act properly, the player versus player moment, and then the factory that would of truly been challenging if we didn't successfully beat the Achyon guys that were added into the event to give it more life.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 10/10 - The punishments were fine, if we fell too much we'd be punished justifiably. The rewards were nice too for this part of the wipe, suitable for our group too, rewarding for both those who were mage and the others who were armed.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: Next time I'll take your eyes, eternal blindness.
Character: D'noxa Aba
Which Event: Moxtli: - Caravan/Factory Raid

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10 The narrates were well written and expedient, even when some of us were not. No issues here at all.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 8/10 Overall, I did enjoy it. The PvP aspect was incredibly fun, and it made the event's impact feel much more genuine than most I've been on. Though the EC was a tad undertuned initially, and then became the hulking monster at the end that chased me in circles until death. Which while that may have been a tab issue, it doesn't feel the best to have the hyper-stat behemoth breathing down your neck until you're unconscious because of it. Though if that bit is left out, it was overall fine.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10. The story was great even if relatively simple, I liked the little plot and objective line it followed.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 10/10 - The rewards were solid for the risk, and I honestly don't mind receiving a perm as much as I minded the reason for the final down. Though the rewards were very good, so no dispute there, someone had to bite the bullet.

Overall: 9/10

Any other comments: Fix your tab!
Character: Sol Albright

Which Event: What It Was

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10. He was fast and descriptive with the narrations.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 8/10. The battles were for the most part fine, though I suppose there was a hint of annoyance in the maze part considering that all it really boiled down to was us just having to walk forward rather than think too hard on the traps. There were a good few pointers as to what were traps and what weren't except for one, which I'm sure he knows what I'm talking about, but that's mostly subjective.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10. When we actually began to make headway into the event, the story-telling, opportunities and everything offered was great!
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 9/10. Punishments were fine, everyone essentially got what they wanted from the event, and I have no problem. stop targeting me though you just temped me two days ago, you fuck.

Overall: 9/10. Good stuff! Maybe we'll get to do more in the coming days, hopefully.

Any other comments: I hate mazes.

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Character: Sej'rin Toryia

Which Event: What It Was

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Fast responses.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): I'd say the balance was pretty good, but fuck mazes >:l

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): Story was good as well, started slow but really picked up towards the end.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): Punishments were 200 percent fair, those who idiotically walked into traps got what they deserved. Rewards were nice too.

Overall: 8/10

Any other comments: N/A
Key/Character: Didosforte/Nidaz
Which Event: Where in Esshar is Trik Gutterrunner

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?)The narrates were fast, where there was plenty of time to respond and at the same time to interact with each other.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?)It was quite balanced considering the rpls.. And other things. Where some of these things, demonstrate that Nidaz should not trust on his friends so much.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?)It was very interesting to explore the ruins of Trik's old laboratory! Full of failed creations and other things that gave a macabre and also fun tone to the place. So yeah, amazing!
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)
Everything had its justification and if something went wrong it was due to the actions of the characters or bad luck during rolls!

Overall: 10/10!

Any other comments: Just wanted to say that poor Seven, this boy suffered.
[Image: image.png]
Which Event: What It Was

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10. Quick, narrative, and a full perspective for the ordeal.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): 9/10. I thought the traps were somewhat of a new edition, which actually excited me! And of course, a temp to come with it was a reasonable punishment that sufficed.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 10/10. You could tell the event had been intricately planned, detailed and really, really, really drove me to play the role of my own character, which also took some thinking, and judgemental decisions... i.e. you feel something slobbering atop a ladder? what would you do? - And if a dm can do that then... you cold bro, you cold. 
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 10/10. I wouldn't have even been permed if I didn't take it for my boy. Regardless, I got the reward I wanted too, and in the end, it was a fair decision that lead to another reward. char progression!!  Cool

Overall: 10/10.
Character: Murtock Reave


Which Event: In The Pandemonium Wake


Responsiveness: 8/10


Relatively swift, a few delays, but nothing more than what is to be expected.


Balance : 5/10


The battles felt.. Off. Even after acknowledging that the balance was off a perm was still applied against great odds and the targeting system seemed uncertain.As someone who uses a sustain build part of my kit is, of course, CC. I understand the decision for CC immunity, but I believe ultimately it is a pitfall that could have been accounted for in others ways with different spell kits and increased health instead. A great deal of my kit, and that of others present, was rendered inert.

This score would have been lower were it not for the acknowledgement that the second EC fight was over-tweaked. Instead of making us roll for perms a -1 was uniformly applied to all of us for the next encounter if we went down.


Storytelling: 10/10.


I know nothing of the lore for what was going on, but Crystik has beautiful roleplay. They are very good at setting a scene, creating presence for the enemies, and overall creating an atmosphere fitting to what the players request. This cannot be denied. For craftsmanship of events I have seen few which surpass this and the amount of effort put into the narrations really offsets the occasional wait since you know you will receive quality.

Fairness: N/A


I have no real stake in this. I will lay out the cost versus the gain for the players to decide in combination with the screenshots and disclaimer below. For four party members: There were four perms dished out for three items which were neat development items of the same writing quality that I described before. A cloak which gives +1 vit, +2 power, a sword which gives -5vit +46power +10crit +25phys, and a necklace that gives +4 vit, +3 power, +10 crit, and +5 Agi


Overall: 9/10

I was extremely uncomfortable at first due to multiple reasons which we hashed out in DMs. I felt responsible for Crystik deciding to rebirth Vales and we came to an understanding of how it seemed this way due to a perfect storm of misunderstandings. The apology was bold and respectable, but greater than that- Unnecessary. It could have been ignored and swept over in a day or two given the nature of these types of things.

The fact that Crystik apologized here and acknowledged the issues with the balance then proceeded to reach out in DMs to clear things up says more than any post I can make would.
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