TheHopscotchBest DM, Hipster
Key/Character: Aubrey Caewynn
Which Event: Continued Ascent

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Very responsive and willing to work around my schedule - which I highly highly appreciated. Especially so with things that happened IRL, etc.

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Balance wise it was fine, up until Mal spammed lightspeed kick on two people and insta-KO'd them. But that's just one thing that happened and it's small in the grand scheme of things. He gave me a tummy ache though. ): I enjoyed the food puzzle/trap, and all of the other fights because they all felt thematic. A lot of DMs will just keep the same bar throughout the event but Hipster does actually have a theme with his ECs.

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): It was a really cut and dry event story wise, though there was a mention of the original Lightgarde - I assume the ones who actually managed to climb all the way to floor 124!

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): The rewards are all pretty beefy and for what we went through I think that's pretty fair! So yeah. I like the descriptions of the rewards a lot, too.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: sorry about my internet randomly ):

Grand doors.

Pushed aside as what lay before this hall was nothing short of a feast fit for kings and lords alike. Hundreds of dishes scattered about, some half eaten and others left untouched by the passage of time. No doubt to the untrained eye it would look as though they were crafted by the hands of true geniuses - Practically brimming with their own life of mana and sheer excitement.

To someone much more culinarily trained?

It would seem the sole intent of this food is to energize and to keep the body moving. Mana which ceased to fade now pooling around the center mass of this table - Leaving but a single object stood present before this group and their banquet.

But one golden apple - Hidden away like a treasure behind a mass of culinary goods.

At the head of the table beyond that? Rest a decaying corpse sat upon their throne. Much as though they were watching this feast before them - Yet never touching throughout their afterlife.

All prodding on each side.

Each side looking only with caution. None even so much as daring to lay a hand upon the food or feast before them.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Key/Character: Kyn Keres
Which Event: Continued Ascent

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Quick to respond, detailed and a joy to read. 

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): I enjoyed the balance, it felt difficult, but rewarding and with a clear level of fairness. The traps were well thought out and I'd enjoyed that my actions had an impact, the only balance issue was perhaps being downed once by Mal taking over a secondary EC and lightspeed kicking me from 60% to 0 in the blink of an eye. 
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): I enjoyed what was there, I do find that the tower can at times feel a bit obscure or abbreviated in context, but I still connected dots between my IC and what was going on around me. I think it was good.

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): I think the rewards were well written and suited to each obstacle that was ultimately overcome.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: Apologies for slowness, starting an event at midnight can be rough.

Grand doors.

Pushed aside as what lay before this hall was nothing short of a feast fit for kings and lords alike. Hundreds of dishes scattered about, some half eaten and others left untouched by the passage of time. No doubt to the untrained eye it would look as though they were crafted by the hands of true geniuses - Practically brimming with their own life of mana and sheer excitement.

To someone much more culinarily trained?

It would seem the sole intent of this food is to energize and to keep the body moving. Mana which ceased to fade now pooling around the center mass of this table - Leaving but a single object stood present before this group and their banquet.

But one golden apple - Hidden away like a treasure behind a mass of culinary goods.

At the head of the table beyond that? Rest a decaying corpse sat upon their throne. Much as though they were watching this feast before them - Yet never touching throughout their afterlife.

All prodding on each side.

Each side looking only with caution. None even so much as daring to lay a hand upon the food or feast before them.
Key/Character: Xarxes
Which Event: Continued Ascent

Responsiveness: Man types like Lightning, his emotes hit you like Thunder. Very fast and inclusive of the parties involved. 

Balance: Everything was perfect until you let Mal use P'smash. Though I did manage to not get owned this time around so it was very good.

Storytelling: Solid points here, the story was cohesive as one could hope for traversing the mighty tower of Aetius with the different floors having their unique factors to them and the various Guardians along the way each being unique.

Fairness: The rewards  were incredible in my opinion and leave a lot to be developed in the future, even the "Least Valuable" materials have potential for any artificer to work toward something exciting in my opinion.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: I was a last minute addition to the party and was able to feel included throughout the event! Was a lot of fun and I hope to be on more of your events in the future. We cannot forget, however.

Grand doors.

Pushed aside as what lay before this hall was nothing short of a feast fit for kings and lords alike. Hundreds of dishes scattered about, some half eaten and others left untouched by the passage of time. No doubt to the untrained eye it would look as though they were crafted by the hands of true geniuses - Practically brimming with their own life of mana and sheer excitement.

To someone much more culinarily trained?

It would seem the sole intent of this food is to energize and to keep the body moving. Mana which ceased to fade now pooling around the center mass of this table - Leaving but a single object stood present before this group and their banquet.

But one golden apple - Hidden away like a treasure behind a mass of culinary goods.

At the head of the table beyond that? Rest a decaying corpse sat upon their throne. Much as though they were watching this feast before them - Yet never touching throughout their afterlife.

All prodding on each side.

Each side looking only with caution. None even so much as daring to lay a hand upon the food or feast before them.
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