SleepyDemonWater Prison
Hello! I didn't really want to complain about this, but I feel like I sort of need to for any chance of it getting fixed. As water prison was before, I feel like it was in a fine enough place. Nobody had an issue with it. People told me it should be slightly buffed, if anything. I'll explain why with how it is now.

- The ideal setup for me to use it is directly in the middle. If I mess this up, I won't be able to restrict the box much. There's a decent amount of space to dash/move along the sides. To my knowledge, it's not as big as it used to be.

- Slow immunities effectively counter it completely. This is fine. It's something that can't be helped.

- The damage ticks are very, very slow. Also fine since the damage isn't focus of this spell.

- The slow only activates on the damage ticks. Due to the infrequency of them, it's entirely possible to run in, do damage, and slide back out without getting slowed if you time it right. Or, in most cases, you're usually slowed near the edge as you're coming out.

- You can see it forming. It's not instant. It's very easy to move aside when you see it forming and attack the user with homings/long distance spells (most people have some in their kit). You can also wait out the duration. Very rarely am I able to use it twice in a round with its CD.

This is the new approximate duration. (100 CD. With my CDR, it goes on a 79 second CD when I use it and ends with 52 seconds remaining on the CD.)
[Image: 18d776f89509de6b6916232809e62da1.png]->[Image: 6cd929b0ceff6b05c23af422c5a648ef.png]

[Image: 52976d9a6c994765d9c143bf8289cab4.gif]

Something like Star Rain, comparatively. About 2 ticks in the time that water prison would tick 1 time.
[Image: a89603e2e354b721ebf35fcd56ba66b2.gif]

It's to my knowledge that the spell has been the way it was for a while and that nobody's had much of an issue with it. As an exalted, it now feels very underwhelming. That's just my take on it.
i mean... your hidden gives you control of good part of the rpb for 26(?) seconds, and if you always drop it in the middle only the edges will be safe for your opponent. sure, star rain ticks faster than prison, but it doesn't cover most of the box nor it last as long.
tio internet aki ta mo badarosca
It lasts 26 seconds, covers enough of the box to turn a 30x30 into what feels like a 5x5, and if they want to get close? they'll suffer some slow and damage ticks periodically.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you should try it in some real verbs first.
[Image: Sad_rain.gif]
What can I math out now?
I'd say an RPB-wide Cosmic AoE that lasts for a good 20s (possibly longer?) is definitely exalted tier, but a healthy change would be to decrease the duration further while increasing the rate of damage so that it's more consistent. Any wellspring/sustain/ice/etc build would probably be unstoppable with WP as it is right now, and after a few people mentioned their interest in it to me I think this is a step in the right direction while also maintaining the fairly unique gimmick.

Anything that keeps people off of you is good, and this is the king of that.
I'd appreciate that, yeah. That'd be sufficient in keeping it in a good place.
Water prison needed to be nerfed, it lasted way too long for something that covered the vast majority of the battle area. WP gave complete and absolute control especially when coupled with homing moves like Ring of Malice.
If I'm recalling correctly, this skill is now a lot stronger than it used to be in spires for instance. I think chance already did right with this skill where its in a spot it provides a safe place against any melee for 26 seconds while making sure you're without it for 2x that duration. It's an exaggerated version of the protection provided by an aoe. Turning it from probably the strongest field control spell in the game into a generic aoe (very big wet version) would hurt its purpose, imo.
Maybe just add a slow tick for when someone steps in? The infrequency of the damage is fine, but the slow is the most important part and it comes with the damage. If something like that were in place, I can't say I'd mind the decreased duration as much since it'd still be fulfilling its purpose.

Plus then it's still sticking closer to its original flavor, I think.
I actually think it does auto apply the slow? I'm not sure, one hundred on that, but I've noticed it when stepping in plenty of times nearly instantly. The occasion being when I have the immunity up.

Again though, not entirely sure.
Nope! It applies on the first damage tick. It'll only apply immediately if the tick happens to coincidentally happen around/when you step in. But it's not automatic as I'm proposing.
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