Jumpy100 years.
[Image: 532e79efefa936becec4b5d00df6b041.png]

"This is just a hint of what the world looks like Kofe… Everything is bound. Everything."
"Let me show you what the world looks like, Ella."

"T- That was beautiful."

A hundred years. Most of them have been spent without you at this point, yet I still feel our connection to be as strong as it's always been. I don't know how much of you remains, how much of you has managed to put itself back together but it'll be enough. I know it will. I'll be joining you soon enough, my wife. I don't know if you can feel it but something has been happening in the Vale. Do you remember when you first brought me there? Do you remember the day we met in Ilburg?

There's something I've never told you about that day, but I think you felt it too. You and I were destined to cross eachother's path. The cosmos had decided as much. I... know that we'd be together one day. Whether it's in this life or the next one. I just wonder... I just hope that the brief time we had together won't be all we have. Our spirits will meet again when I die. Our souls will travel together unto another life. Of that I'm sure.

.. Yeah, I'm sure of that now.

I just...

I wish that someone would have told us these were the best years of our lives when we were living them.

Happy birthday to me...
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