Spell Balance Suggestions
Charge a dazingly powerful explosion of charged flame pillars to burn your enemies. Brief stun, damage over time.
Spell damage: 0
Mana cost: 10
Cooldown: 30s
Range: 4

Please give it impact damage of five or so. It's so sad.
Expanding upon Mal's post, after testing.......................... . ..

Pyro does about 9 spell damage (1 initial tick + 9 ticks of 0.9 sd)
it's fine given everything else it does.

Bang is a bit odd. Maybe give it a few extra ticks of the Overheat/whatever the dot is.
Right now it's
7 SD plus one tick of Explosions Overheat (slow + 0.9 sd)

Inferno is something like 13 spell damage (initial hit of 8, second hit of 4, one tick of the dot)
It's real underwhelming. Adding the old confusion back would be good. Or just redesigning the entire spell. I think it's sorta lame that it's designed to 100% be combo'd with Pyroclasm.
Spell: Bonds of Blood
Bonds of Blood
Each time your opponent bleeds, draw on the fresh flow of life essence in the air to renew your supply of blood. 0.5x heal.
Spell damage: 0
Mana cost: 0
Cooldown: 0s
Range: 0

Bleeds happen once per second, and no matter what the enemy bleeds for or no matter what you buff your AP with, your heals don't change. It literally just heals for half of your power everytime they bleed. Blood costs 95 RPP for a full tree and requires you to be a melee range mage. Water aura heals you for 100% of your power every second period. Riptide aura gives you a chance to heal lifesteal with every tick of water damage. Can blood heals be buffed? Can we at least get 100% of our power heal for the ticks? It feels really lack luster for the most in-your face mage build left in the game. We dont get DR, we dont get reliable heals, we just get told to get in the enemy's face and do your dirt while getting blasted by everything. All of our abilities are skillshots, and skillshots dont land even when they graphically land, and its always frustrating to play. It feels like we get no love and the best blood mages arent even blood mages, they rely on other trees almost entirely. I know theres an armed blood mage, theres a unarmed wind ookami blood mage, and majority of their success comes from them using their non-blood trees as MAJORITY of their build, meaning that blood isnt even their build. They would do well if you replaced blood with anything else. Meanwhile us pure bloods who use other trees to compliment blood or who go blood/water just got nothing going for us because its such a unfun tree to use.
Well first of all, water aura doesn’t heal every second, it’s every three...but with that out of the way I think blood is just fine where it’s at. I dont get the complaint that other people mix trees with blood for it to be good —the same can be said for every other tree in the game. There is -no- tree in E3 that is great by itself, they’re usually complimented by something else that works well with it. Even if you just buy water spells you still have a lot going for you considering how strong the tree is. Nothing is stopping you from getting ice or riptide to compliment it either
Biggest blood issue is that its almost entirely melee range or skillshot based so lag and skill is the entirety of it.
blood still powerful af tho we cant lie. miasma can still tick hard if you melee with it and whip does great damage. seamlessly works with melee and access to great utility. not to mention hemo is homing instant with animation/bleed/slow?(check me on that) its great and I think we have bigger fish to fry atm than blood. lets leave it as it
As one of the people who started the game with blood, I think it’s at an alright place right now. That’s not saying it’s perfect, but it’s at least playable as long as you also get a close ranged skill tree. It’s a bit of a boring tree with pretty good damage and low CC (though Ice will always out-trade blood in any situation with how much CC it has).

It has a weird identity with having half of its spells being long ranged and half being short ranged, so I’d like for some intermediate upgrades for the spells. Bonds of Blood was originally a skill shot that acted like illusion flurry, so I’d like to see that implemented sometime.

Tl;dr give blood some actual intermediates you monkeys
Reduce the range of the sand root by 1 tile each side. Maybe lower the duration of sandstorm or up it's cd from 40 to 50-60? Fix extra ticks on crushing iron when used on corners and make barrier of sand not do damage when you're standing on top of the person using it like most aoes. If you do, you eat all the projectiles and take like 50% hp.

Upon further analysis. Field of Ice is also as shit as spikes. Please fix both of them.
Sound Burst

Suggestion: This spell hits in two rows of three tiles before the caster, anyone walking backwards will basically never be caught in this small range. Please buff to be 3x3.
Flurry SLASH
needs help. Forgive my shaky handheld camera and poor natural lighting in this.

Flurry SLASH

1 tick 2293! crit (or the 6 spell damage that crits for 9)
1 tick 230 (or a 0.9/1x spell damage tick)
3 tick bleed 350! crit, 233 ticks (or more 0.9/1x spell damage ticks)

Looking at 3000-3500 damage (or a total spell damage of 10 with 5 chances to crit at varying rates)
This is Armed's second intermediate ability.

[Image: 4e33332405a667dac90e4ef764049f8f.png]

3 ticks of 1000 (or 4 spell damage)
3 instances of potential crit.
Looking at 3000-4500 damage, 12x damage base with those 3 chances to crit.

I think Flurry can stand to deal more ticks of damage and travel slower so it has a chance to apply those ticks to a target. Maybe it can be a slower moving, 3x3 area that ticks each second so that the average person who stands in it takes 2 or 3 hits standing perfectly still? Or make it keep its speed but make it literally blender a person and still hit as many times whilst maintaining the difficulty of it all.

Edit: Diggy confirmed to me that crits are 1.5x-- for those wondering. I'm not banking on 2x damage, I just assumed it'd range from 1.5x to 2x (as I felt I'd sometimes see both).
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