Spell Balance Suggestions
Be more specific. For example: which spells/combinations are overtuned & provide reasoning?
The biggest issue is when you stack several sustain spells, such as nature, wellspring, holy heal, etc. A single spell is fine, and is very strong, but when people use several ontop of each other, that’s when it becomes a bit overwhelming. Add in the fact it’s easy to keep burst while having sustain makes it all the more powerful.

Things like holy/nature builds, or time/nature, etc.
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Personally, I feel like more occult spells should have curse effect since they a counter to holy's healing, and then there's wellspring and nature which are just hyper over tuned in healing and sustain it's really depressing to be doing your full kit of damage to someone and they don't drop below 50% I understand that healing is a gimmick and has lore implications but in verbs I see people using vines to do all the damage while they heal with holy and nature and its so one-sided with no counters. Besides the priorly mentioned curse/jammer
All the heal spells (time heal, holy heal, ingrain, etc) received nerfs in their total heal from E3 to now, so I'm not sure if it's that. But I also don't PvP and I'm not watching PvP much (the latter will change soon) so my perspective is very limited. I'm focused on getting the spells that are broken in a reasonable place and distracted by other obligations.

Anyway, keep the feedback coming but keep it detailed.
really do not think sustain is an issue ,


these nature vines are whack huh
I would like to suggest making Scorch an Intermediate at the LEAST in fire. I don't play fire personally but it's so sad to see it require a master token when you kinda know no one's going to pick that spell up at all when comparing it to the other two under fire. It's a copy of Holy AOE but as a master. Who is genuinely going to want that?

If people are gonna pick it up, it's gonna either need a placement change or a slight buff to make it rewarding for my fire bros.
Spell: Ethereal Wings

Suggestion: Make the +Power scale off your total Power, like Invigorate. Currently, the spell's Power buff simply grants you an additional stat bonus equal to 15% of your BASE Power stat, making it kind of inadequate for an Intermediate that also drains your whole mana bar at the effect's resolution.
Spell: Ignite.

The hitbox is still abysmall for people that do not have a root or bind. You can still only get a few ticks off of it, one or two, even while slowed.

Suggestion: Change it into a charging auto hit or something with status effects instead, using the same sprite. It will solve the situation of people abusing root in order to hit it and it will make these complaints stop. You can even change it to where an uncharged variant strikes around, while a fully charged one strikes directly on an opponent with a crater to show that they were smitten. (and no, i am not saying having it have all the 10 ticks as well. The fully charged one is just the fully accumulated powers in total to strike down is all.)

Spell: Flashbeam

It does not stun. It is also the 1x1 regardless of charged or not.

Suggetion: Add a mfing stun when fully charged. Make it bigger when it's fully charged too so it's functionable. Sad

Spell: True Counter.

This spell is probably the only good spell for a Nephilim, but now that people are learning about it's obvious weaknesses, it's just a glorified iron body.

Suggestion: Increase the range of the strike back by a few more tiles, to a maximum of 13. This way, it won't be so easy to avoid. But at the same time, anyone could still use any deflection spell, any invul, or simply block it. So why not just make it follow?
Aeolian cascade is really bad, give it a mineblast treatment (but much worse).

Devouring winds costs 15rpp!! This makes it vry awkward to qualify for the intermediates, and it's also not really worth the price. It's already impossible to dip for a measly 5% ap boost.
Aeolian cascade isn't that bad, it's more that so many things have gotten better comparatively and devouring winds shouldn't be made cheaper.. It's free stats, and an ambient aoe damage around the user. That should never be made 'easily' dippable, without costing the person doing so in a way that makes it unappetizing.
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