Add monkeys as a playable race, but for real this time
Monkeys are cool, unironically. They might be funnier as thieves, but as an actual, serious race? More than acceptable. Perfect I dare say.

I know there are multiple way to circumvent this and make monkeys in the current state of the game (as king/queen Silkiye said o7), but having an actual race, with an actual sprite for monkeys would be cool as shit  Blush

They could be a beastkin subracial, but with rpp cost reduced for unarmed/armed (like I said on my previous thread), or just their full-on own race, with different racial skills etc. 

Last time I asked to add monkeys as more of a joke (since I was talking with someone and they mentioned that), but this time? This time I'm seriously asking for them, because I unironically think they'd be a cool addition to this game.

Also, to the two people that said "oh but dbz roleplay", uh, sorry, no?????

(and sorry if im being annoying here by asking it twice. someone said my presentation was shit last time so i wanted to remake the thread. last time was mainly carried by a joke, this one's genuine)
Brother... why are you doing this.

It’s time to put down the keyboard...
(02-05-2021, 02:23 PM)Avee Wrote: Brother... why are you doing this.

It’s time to put down the keyboard...

Said in thread.

Monkeys are my spirit animal and I ain't calming down until an admin comes and says ''no'' in this actual, serious thread
Putting my hatred of both Lapine and Razuka aside, probably not a good idea to just add in another monkey race. I get you like monkeys and such, but this isn't the way. If you want to appeal for a race, it should probably be something vastly different from what we currently have in our roster. Something like a dwarf/lalafell race, or even an actual beast/monster archetype that are kind of like what we have going with Mutants, but its own thing that can exist and be apart of the world more harmoniously would be cool. 

But not to divert the topic with my own personal wishes, nah. I don't think it'd be a good idea. All of the Beastkin fulfill an elemental alignment as creatures of the land, so an armed/unarmed beastkin race wouldn't mesh well with them.
just play a mutant and rp being a monkey . literally who will stop u
Also that, yeah. It's probably why I like mutants a lot. So much diversity and the ability to freeform being unnatural how you please.

There's a mutant with red skin, like come the fuck ON. How is that not cool.
(02-05-2021, 02:31 PM)Oyster. Wrote: just play a mutant and rp being a monkey . literally who will stop u

Quote:I know there are multiple way to circumvent this and make monkeys in the current state of the game, but having an actual race, with an actual sprite for monkeys would be cool as shit

Literally nothing, but as I said, it'd be cool 

(and that's what i planned on doing for a character if it doesn't get added anyways. just thought it'd be cool for monkeys to have their own, unique race)

Okay, now that I have taken a shower and gotten food (If you can call almond milk + an instant breakfast package food...) i'll actually try to approach this seriously.

First: This is your second thread on the topic. Going "The first one was just sort of a joke thread guys!" Does not help your argument. If anything, it hinders it and comes off as; "lol monkeh funneh rite guys haha- unlesss...?"

Second: Beastkin is the overarching race. There are no real subraces and aren't a history of subraces! all lapine, razuka, felinae, ookami and kitsune share the same racials. The only difference is that they all have different ties to different magic for differing lore reason! the most uniqueness these races get beyond mechanical, is having ears and tails respective to their animal. asking for a monkey subrace of the beastkin (and a unique sprite for them) without a history of subraces seems odd! i have yet to see any examples of evolution beyond manmade attempts (Bruno being a prime example!). the closest to actual subraces that exist even, are drakanites with the 'you have the main drakanite then you have the elemental flavors!', which again, does not go beyond a mechanical benefit and a wing appearance change.

Third: the reason why i posted the 'its time to stop' video on this thread is because it really is time to stop. you have hit a point where you unironically went "This is a serious thread, and until an admin tells me 'No', I won't stop trying to push for Monkey.", like, i'm really sorry but do you know how childish that sounds? it makes the thread even harder for me, and likely anyone else, to take seriously.

that is all i have to really say on the matter.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Meme bad

this is how it felt reading this thread tbh, monkey race is meh, just go feline n rp monke u get the tail there.
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