Repair Kits + Pristine Condition
This is a suggestion with two parts to it.

I'll go over the reasons for this - generally, I feel like repair kits would be a neat addition to the game to begin with, as well as the fact that pristine condition lasts way too long; that, and alchemists have immensely larger advantage to making any income whatsoever.

Right now, to have any reliable income as artificer, you need to craft rares+ and make a lot of scrolls (which all require huge amounts of energy: 100 for paper, 100 for scroll, and 1000 for exalted enchant = 1200 total).

So why not have repair kits?

We could have a recipe like this:

Quote:Repair kit (x3 Steel), Tier 3 Recipe
"A repair kit created by an artificer, allowing for field maintenance without direct involvement."
Repairs an item & sets it to [Pristine] condition.
100 Energy to craft

(fluff text can be altered)

Since 3 steel takes 150 energy to make (50 energy each), and crafting repair kit itself takes 100 energy - that's 250 energy total. Repairing an item also takes 250 energy total, so this is equal.

The second part of suggestion is - lower pristine condition to 1-2 IC years (preferably 1 IC year), to not only involve artificers more, but allow them to sell repair kits more consistently. Given that they only would take 3 steel to make, I think it would be fairly cheap & accessible even for people who don't really make any money.

Iron is abundant and this is something people would buy.

I like it.

As an artificer I think 1 year of pristine is good.

But I will disagree the moment I don't play an artificer.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
As an artificer, yes, just yes.

Being an artificer is sad because no one buys your weapons unless they're rare+, and y'know, you can't easily get rares unless you have a gold anvil, which costs 50k gold.

Now, how the fuck am I supposed to get this gold ''more easily'' if no one buys my fucking weapons? That's right I'm just not going to
nobody has responded to my commission post yet (womp)
and i presume it is because they are wielding one-liner ultra-rare rifles because RNG +5 power is a very strong lure... T_T (EDIT: but also that's fine i'm not trying to be entitled dw people i understand it's a lot of cash and effort this is meant humorously)

app to make them uniques or higher-grade, i say
i will put in my deepest effort to make the items very good i promise everybody

but yes i agree repair lasts *forever* and i love the idea of repair kits. i have so much iron i don't know what to do with it.
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