Oyster.Comprehensive Master Spell Review

I'll go through every master and discuss them here. Your differing (but wrong) opinions can go below. This is in suggestions because I'll provide suggestions on each!

Vacuum Vortex: Strong, not as easy to hit as some beams, extremely powerful on a full hit. A stronger hidden, I don't suggest any changes except bugfix which I believe has gone through.

Arc of Devastation: Compared to other pure damage masters (see above) arc of devastation falls behind. It's not easy to land and its damage is a bit below. I recommend adding a bit more damage! Tricky because it's in the same tree as piercing strike.

Roar of the Sea Dragon: A slightly better beam, as a hidden... pathetic. It has the upside of only costing 10rpp. There's a few things you can do with this. Make it an omnidirectional beam? Make it have a shorter cd?

Glacier: A strong hidden, autohit in most regards but dodgable with certain techniques, also blocked completely by summons. It's especially powerful vs melee engages.

Tremor: Instahit in a radius around it, good damage and cd. It'd be balanced... if it didn't also apply the strongest cc in the game, mud, for no reason. Huh? It should do less damage or have higher cd with that bs on it. Especially since...

Ivory Rupture: The same as Tremor but with more range, less damage, more cd, and doesn't apply mud. So pretty much worse due to that last part.

Prismatic Pillars: TBH I haven't seen it in practice, but if it's like a glacier that can hit more times and does less dmg, I imagine it's pretty good!

Scorch: Massive size, decent damage, compared unfavorably to magma aoe but that's been nerfed so I'd say scorch is decent. Not as strong as some of the other strong mastery spells though.

Cinderflare: It's an autohit, so it's about average!

Deflecting Palm: Mileage may vary. Nothing to change here.

Spiral Bomb: For a master? Not good. Outclassed by beams for the most part. Unless you're a melee that chains this with lariat, which is its only niche.

Holy/Dark beam: OP next

Severance: It'd depend on how many bleed ticks it does and the aoe/knockback, hard to tell. I think it's about average.

Telekinesis: The worst hidden in the game, inferior to many basics, it needs a full rework, I don't know what you thought by putting in a beam-type spell that doesn't actually stun. Don't buy this

Timeskip: Pretty good as a mastery once admins wise up and make it one!

Shadow Dive Rush: I haven't seen it in action but I have heard nothing but complaints about it.

Bladestorm: Never seen it used so it's probably bad but fuck armed they don't need a good master.

Stardust Explosion: Pretty much average/what could be expected of a master.

The end!

So, the strongest 5 masters would be:

Vacuum Vortex
Ivory Tremor
(03-02-2021, 08:41 AM)Oyster. Wrote: Cinderflare: I feel it's a tiny bit weak for a mastery, does it have dot damage attached? Hesitant to buff it considering the rest of the tree though. I'd put it as slightly below average, definitely usable.

hello i have used cinderflare since i hit 200

it has a dot damage of burn attached.
im unsure if its something where if you leave the AoE you continue to take damage from the dot however.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Ty, updated slightly and added what I feel the strongest masteries are.
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